Why did you choose BU’s Online MPH program?

When looking for a Master of Public Health program, it was important to me to find a program at a world-class institution that offered flexibility, was affordable in comparison to an onsite MPH program and was not geared towards a clinician. The Online MPH program at BU met all the criteria.

What have you enjoyed the most so far about the program?

The content is really interesting and, in some cases, can be immediately applied to my work. I very easily get immersed in the material. The faculty live sessions bring together the weekly lessons with practical examples. The hour goes by very quickly!

How do you structure your week when it comes to both coursework and your current role?

My working hours are dedicated to my professional career. After hours and weekends, I pivot to my academic career while also balancing my family’s needs.

What advice do you have for students considering an Online MPH program?

The concentrations in Online MPH programs vary. Start by identifying your end-goal to determine the program to pursue.

What do you plan to do once you’ve graduated?

My goal is to integrate the knowledge I gain in this program with my experience in the insurance industry to improve the healthcare consumer’s administrative experience.

Interested in the Boston University School of Public Health Online MPH?


Online MPH


Buffalo, New York


University at Buffalo

Current Industry

Healthcare Insurance