Fact Sheets.

Fact sheets are typically one-page documents that emphasize the abbreviated arguments of an issue (1). Space is typically very limited, so you should focus on only the most compelling points.

Typically, fact sheets are provided to reporters or politicians, people who must make informed decisions with little time to review in-depth reports or articles (1). Keep in mind that the reader will spend very little time reviewing the fact sheet, so make it short and easy to understand (2).

While the fact sheet is an abbreviated report, citing reputable sources for data is still incredibly important (2). The goal of fact sheets is to present the facts or statistics, but also to interpret the significance of these data to the audience (2).


You should keep your target audience in mind as you create the fact sheet. The audience may be a legislator, an NGO, the general public, or any member of a community. Each of these audiences deserves a tailored fact sheet that utilizes the audience’s common language.

Keep in mind that main points may also shift depending on the audience. A politician may be more interested in state-level statistics, while an anecdote may make an issue more salient for a member of the general community member. It is best to determine what information will best engage and inform the audience prior to creating the fact sheet (2).


While creating a fact sheet, keep these important tips in mind (1):

  • Avoid jargon and simplify complex topics where possible.
  • Use 12-14 point font so that the text is readable.
  • Use bolding, bullet points, and other key formatting choices to emphasize arguments.
  • Text boxes, tables, charts, infographics, and other visual representations of data may help to draw attention to key statistics in an easily understandable manner.
  • The community should be able to contact the creator or an alternative for more information and so the fact sheet should a contact (name and phone/e-mail).

Additional Resources

For more information, visit the following resources:


  1. Communication Tools: Fact Sheets [Internet]. Center for Rural Health, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. [cited 2015 Mar 23]. Available from: http://ruralhealth.und.edu/communication/factsheets
  2. Hampton C. Creating Fact Sheets on Local Issues [Internet]. Community Tool Box, University of Kansas. [cited 2015 Mar 23]. Available from: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/promoting-interest/fact-sheets/main