America Is All Too Happy to Let People Die
Quotes Jacob Bor, assistant professor of global health
The Atlantic
America Was in an Early-Death Crisis Long Before COVID
Quotes and mentions research by Jacob Bor, associate professor of global health and epidemiology
Route Fifty
Greener Cities Could Prevent Thousands of Deaths
Article written by Jillian McKoy, senior writer/editor; quotes doctoral student Paige Brochu; Kevin Lane, assistant professor of environmental health; Marcia Pescador Jimenez, assistant professor of epidemiology
News Medical
Increasing Greenery in Urban Areas May Reduce Mortality of All Causes, Study Reveals
Quotes doctoral student Paige Brochu and Kevin Lane, assistant professor of environmental health
Medical Xpress
Increasing Urban Greenery Could Have Prevented at Least 34,000 Us Deaths over Two Decades
Quotes doctoral student Paige Brochu and Kevin Lane, assistant professor of environmental health