Assoc. Prof. Augsberger Takes on New Role as Associate Dean for Doctoral Education  

Astraea Augsberger
Associate Professor Astraea Augsberger, Boston University School of Social Work

Associate Professor Astraea Augsberger assumes leadership of the PhD in Social Work program at Boston University School of Social Work’s (BUSSW) this month. The role was previously held by Associate Professor Daniel P. Miller who fostered change and growth in the program since July 2019, including developing and teaching classes while mentoring students. 

In making the announcement, Dean Barbara Jones said, “Astraea’s record of success in doctoral student mentorship is a key reason for her appointment. I hope that you will join me in congratulating Astraea as she transitions into her new position and in thanking Dan for his years of service to the program. I look forward to working with both to ensure a seamless leadership transition.”   

Prof. Augsberger is an associate professor at BUSSW whose research focuses on ensuring that children, youth, and families have a voice in the institutional systems that shape their lives. She is a faculty affiliate at BUSSW’s Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health and BU Initiative on Cities, and director of the BU Clinical & Translational Science Institute’s Community Engagement Program. She is also a 2024 fellow of the Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR), and her scholarship on youth engagement in research, policy and practice has been published in journals such as Health Affairs, Children and Youth Services Review, and the American Journal of Community Psychology.  

View more: PhD Program News