Christina Lee

Associate Professor and Director, CISWH Research Core


• Health inequities

• Social and structural determinants of risky health behaviors

• Addiction research and treatment

• Mechanisms of behavior change in addictions treatment

• Optimizing behavioral treatments for use in the community

• Interdisciplinary interventions and community collaboration

faculty details


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Christina S. Lee, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Boston University (BUSSW); addiction faculty at BU’s Grayken Center, Boston Medical Center; and a faculty affiliate at BU’s Center for Antiracist Research. Her research bridges the areas of intervention science, addiction psychology, and health inequities. By focusing on the effects of social and environmental stressors, like the impact of discrimination, stigma, and racism, Dr. Lee has become an influential voice in efforts to reduce risky health behaviors among diverse, understudied groups and in understanding substance use as a social justice issue. She is PI and co-PI on NIAAA-funded addiction treatment research with diverse populations, and is on the training faculty at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. She is also the research director at BUSSW’s Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health (CISWH), and mentors graduate and postdoctoral scholars from diverse racial-ethnic groups. Dr. Lee is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and the NIAAA journal Alcohol Research: Current Reviews.


MA (Industrial and Organizational Psychology)

Columbia University

MEd (Psychological Counseling)

Columbia University

BA (English with Honors)

Smith College

PhD (Counseling Psychology)

New York University


CP 809 Substance Use Disorders: Assessment and Intervention







Co-Principal Investigator. (2018-2022) Mechanisms of Behavior Change in a Cultural Adaption of Motivational Interviewing (R01 AA0254845). NIH/NIAAA. Funding: $2,240,106

Co-Investigator. (2017-2021) Brief Intervention by Community Health Workers for Unhealthy Drinking in Latinos (R01 AA0255564). NIH/NIAAA. Funding: $2,062,233

Co-Principal Investigator. (2019-2020) Tier 1 Proof of Concept Grant: Employer-based approaches for targeting the opioid crisis in the construction industry. Provost's Office, Northeastern University. Funding: $32,000


Professional Activities and Certifications

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Massachusetts General Hospital Online Course (Summer 2017)

Online Course Design Orientation Program, Northeastern University (Spring 2015)

Primary Care Behavioral Health Certificate Program, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2013-2014)

Licensed Psychologist, Rhode Island, #PSO1270 (2011-present)

Member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) (2006-present)

Trained in Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity Coding, v. 3.1 (Spring 2006)

Training Certificate in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (1999)

Professional Activities and Certifications

Awards and Honors

2014 Kenerson Faculty Scholar, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University

2006 New Investigator Award, Mechanisms of Behavior Change Pre-Conference Satellite, Research Society on Alcoholism

2004 Research Excellence Award, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University

Awards and Honors

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