Hyeouk Chris Hahm

Associate Dean for ResearchProfessor


• HIV/STI infections among Asian Americans, acculturation, health risk behaviors (tobacco use, binge drinking, sexual activity)

• Health care utilization among Asian American adolescents and sexual minority populations

• Health status and health care utilization among people with mental illness

faculty details


Hyeouk Chris Hahm is a researcher dedicated to reducing health disparities among Asian American populations with a particular emphasis on building empirical evidence of health risk behaviors (e.g., self-harm, suicide and HIV risk behaviors). Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH, NICHD), the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Hahm has developed and tested a theoretical framework that explains suicide behaviors among Asian American women. Further, she developed culturally grounded interventions: AWARE (Asian American Women’s Actions in Resilience and Empowerment) and Youth AWARE, which has been implemented in colleges and high schools. Hahm also developed the AWARE Training Certificate, which focuses on training social workers, mental health counselors, advisors, and education professionals to provide support and empowerment to young Asian-American women encountering challenges of adulthood, mainstream American culture, and parents’ traditional culture: https://thenetwork.bu.edu/offering/aware-certificate-program/.

She is an editorial board member Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work in the U.S., and the Journal of Korean Mental Health in South Korea. Hahm is an author of more than 80 peer-reviewed journal publications and has given 250 professional talks locally, nationally and internationally. Hahm is a recipient of a research mentor award at Boston University and the Innovator’s Award from Asian Women for Health.

Her work has been featured in numerous media, including the New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR), USA Today, Boston Globe, Washington Post, GBH (Boston’s NPR), and the Economist. Hahm is the Vice-President Elect of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).


MSSW (Social Work)

Columbia University

PhD (Social Work)

Columbia University

NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship (Social Welfare)

University of California, Berkeley


CP 759 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice
SR 743 Introduction to Social Work Research


CP 759 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice
SR 743 Introduction to Social Work Research


Hahm H.C., Zhou L., Lee C., Maru M., Peterson J., & Kolaczyk E.D. (2019). Feasibility, Preliminary Efficacy, and Safety of a Randomized Clinical Trial for Asian Women’s Action for Resilience and Empowerment (AWARE) Intervention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S, Tagerman*, M., Lee, C, Lee, G. Trandadue, M., & Hien, D (2017). Development and implementation of a culturally competent intervention targeting mental and sexual health of Asian American young women: A Stage 1 trial of the AWARE intervention. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(10): 1537-1553. doi: 10.1177/0022022117730815 Request for PMCID.

Choi, Y.S., & Hahm, H.C. (Eds.). (2017). Asian American Parenting - Family Processes and Interventions. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Hahm, H.C., *Kim, Y., *Brova, M., Liang, K., Maglalang, D.D., Rivera, A. (2017). Behind the Disempowering Parenting: Expanding the Framework to Understand Asian-American Women’s Self-Harm and Suicidality. In Y.Choi and H.C. Hahm (Ed.). Asian American Parenting (pp.165-193). USA: Springer

Hahm, H. C., Augsberger, A., Feranil, M., Jang, J., & Tagerman, M. (2016). The associations between forced sex and severe mental health, substance use, and HIV risk behaviors among Asian American women. Violence Against Women, 1-21. doi:1077801216647797. PMCID: PMC5725266

Hahm, H.C., Lee, J., Cook,. B., Chiao*, C., Valentine, A. (2016). Use of mental health care and unmet needs for health care among lesbian and bisexual Chinese-, Korean-, and Vietnamese-American women. Psychiatric Services, 67(7) doi:10.1176/appi.ps.201500356, PMCID: PMC5133151

Hahm, H.C., Cook, B., Ault, A., & Alegria, M. (2015). The intersection of race/ethnicity and gender in depression care: receipt of screening, access to care, and minimally adequate treatment. Psychiatric Services, 66(3), 258-264. PMCID: PMC4408551

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S., Tong, H.Q., *Meneses, M.A., *Yuzbasioglu, R.F., Hien, D. (2014). Intersection of suicidality and substance abuse among Asian American young women: Implications for developing interventions in young adulthood. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 7(2), 90-104. doi: 10.1108/add-03-2014-0012. PMCID: PMC4095878

Hahm, H.C., Gonyea, J.G., *Chiao, C., *Koritsanszky, L.A. (2014). Fractured identity: A framework for understanding young Asian-American women’s self-harm and suicidal behaviors. Race and Social Problems, 6(1), 56-58. doi: 10.1007/s12552-014-9115-4 PMCID: PMC3922077

Hahm, H.C., Jang, J., *Vu, C., *Alexander, L.M., *Driscoll, K.E., & Lundgren, L.M. (2013). Drug use and suicidality among Asian-American women who are children of immigrants. Substance Use and Misuse. PMID: 23848381 PMCID: PMC3966297

*Denotes student participation in project


Hahm H.C., Zhou L., Lee C., Maru M., Peterson J., & Kolaczyk E.D. (2019). Feasibility, Preliminary Efficacy, and Safety of a Randomized Clinical Trial for Asian Women’s Action for Resilience and Empowerment (AWARE) Intervention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S, Tagerman*, M., Lee, C, Lee, G. Trandadue, M., & Hien, D (2017). Development and implementation of a culturally competent intervention targeting mental and sexual health of Asian American young women: A Stage 1 trial of the AWARE intervention. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(10): 1537-1553. doi: 10.1177/0022022117730815 Request for PMCID.

Choi, Y.S., & Hahm, H.C. (Eds.). (2017). Asian American Parenting - Family Processes and Interventions. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Hahm, H.C., *Kim, Y., *Brova, M., Liang, K., Maglalang, D.D., Rivera, A. (2017). Behind the Disempowering Parenting: Expanding the Framework to Understand Asian-American Women’s Self-Harm and Suicidality. In Y.Choi and H.C. Hahm (Ed.). Asian American Parenting (pp.165-193). USA: Springer

Hahm, H. C., Augsberger, A., Feranil, M., Jang, J., & Tagerman, M. (2016). The associations between forced sex and severe mental health, substance use, and HIV risk behaviors among Asian American women. Violence Against Women, 1-21. doi:1077801216647797. PMCID: PMC5725266

Hahm, H.C., Lee, J., Cook,. B., Chiao*, C., Valentine, A. (2016). Use of mental health care and unmet needs for health care among lesbian and bisexual Chinese-, Korean-, and Vietnamese-American women. Psychiatric Services, 67(7) doi:10.1176/appi.ps.201500356, PMCID: PMC5133151

Hahm, H.C., Cook, B., Ault, A., & Alegria, M. (2015). The intersection of race/ethnicity and gender in depression care: receipt of screening, access to care, and minimally adequate treatment. Psychiatric Services, 66(3), 258-264. PMCID: PMC4408551

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S., Tong, H.Q., *Meneses, M.A., *Yuzbasioglu, R.F., Hien, D. (2014). Intersection of suicidality and substance abuse among Asian American young women: Implications for developing interventions in young adulthood. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 7(2), 90-104. doi: 10.1108/add-03-2014-0012. PMCID: PMC4095878

Hahm, H.C., Gonyea, J.G., *Chiao, C., *Koritsanszky, L.A. (2014). Fractured identity: A framework for understanding young Asian-American women’s self-harm and suicidal behaviors. Race and Social Problems, 6(1), 56-58. doi: 10.1007/s12552-014-9115-4 PMCID: PMC3922077

Hahm, H.C., Jang, J., *Vu, C., *Alexander, L.M., *Driscoll, K.E., & Lundgren, L.M. (2013). Drug use and suicidality among Asian-American women who are children of immigrants. Substance Use and Misuse. PMID: 23848381 PMCID: PMC3966297

*Denotes student participation in project


The following presentations are from International Conferences, for a complete list please click on the following link:

Hahm, H.C., *Petersen, J., Feranil, M., *Cha, J.W., Chen, J. (2016, June). HIV testing and HIV knowledge among sexually active young Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese women. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee. S.W., *Maru, M., *Yoon, B. (2016, June). The prevalence and descriptions of suicidal ideation and intent among young Asian-American women: Preliminary data from the AWARE intervention. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Lee, J., Hahm, H.C. (2016, June). Self-harming behaviors among sexual minorities in South Korea. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Choi, Y., Tan, K., Yasui, M., & Hahm, H.C. (2016, July). Latent groups of youth cultural orientation strategies: Comparisons of characteristics in peer, parent, and family processes. Poster presentation at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD 2016), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee, C., *Tagerman, M., *Maru, M. (2015, October). A pilot intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors of young Asian American women. Poster presentation at the International Summit on Suicide Research, New York, NY.

Hahm, H.C., *Peterson, J., Kim, M., *Choe, E. (2015, October). Suicidal ideation and intent among young Asian-American women using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Poster presentation at the International Summit on Suicide Research, New York, NY.

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S., *Lee, A., *Poon K. (2015, March). Translational research: From observational study to intervention development: The creation of AWARE (Asian Women Action Asian Women's Action for Resilience and Empowerment). Oral presentation at the 6th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, Tokyo, Japan.

Hahm, H.C., Gonyea, J.G. ,*Koritzanszky, L. A. , *Archer S., & *Hok, R. (2014, September). Parenting style, suicidality, self–harm behaviors among Asian American children of immigrants. Oral presentation at the XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee, J., Cook, B. (2013, October). Mental health status and service utilization among lesbian and b-sexual Asian-American women. Poster presentation at the Semi-annual meeting of Korean Academy of Social Welfare (KASW), Osan, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Jang, J., *Vu, C., *Alexander, M., *Chiao, C., & *Hwang, H. (2013, October). Oral presentation. Drug use, co-morbid mental health, and suicidality: Findings on young Asian-American women. Poster presentation at the III International Congress on Dual Disorders, Barcelona, Spain.

Hahm, H.C. (2013, March). Substance use, HIV risk behaviors, and health care utilization associated with forced sex among Asian-American women. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Lima, Peru.

Hahm, H.C. (2013, March). Depression among children of immigrants: Voices of Asian-Pacific Islander (API) women. Poster presentation at the 5th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Lima, Peru.

Hahm, H.C., Jang, J., *Shilling, S. (2012, September). Substance Use and Suicidal Behaviors among Asian-American Women. Scheduled to be presented at the 14th European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behavior, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Hahm, H.C., & Lee, J. (2012, April). HIV Risk, Substance Use, and Suicidal Behaviors among Asian American Sexual-Minority Women. Poster presented at the Semi-annual meeting of Korean Academy of Social Welfare (KASW). Osan, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Porter, E.A, *Ng, L. (2010, March). The effects of multiple types of child maltreatment and subsequent HIV risk behaviors among young women. Poster presented at International on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Marseille, France.

Hahm, H.C., & *Gaumond, J. (2009, August). The gender dimension in the effect of perceived discrimination on health: Asian Americans nationwide. Poster presented at the International Conference on Asia Pacific Psychology (ICAPP) Korean Psychological Association & Japanese Psychological Association, Seoul, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., & *Gaumond, J. (2009, August). Gender differences in major depressive disorder and suicidal ideation among Asian Americans: findings from NLAAS. Poster presented at the International Conference on Asia Pacific Conference, Seoul, Korea.


The following presentations are from International Conferences, for a complete list please click on the following link:

Hahm, H.C., *Petersen, J., Feranil, M., *Cha, J.W., Chen, J. (2016, June). HIV testing and HIV knowledge among sexually active young Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese women. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee. S.W., *Maru, M., *Yoon, B. (2016, June). The prevalence and descriptions of suicidal ideation and intent among young Asian-American women: Preliminary data from the AWARE intervention. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Lee, J., Hahm, H.C. (2016, June). Self-harming behaviors among sexual minorities in South Korea. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Choi, Y., Tan, K., Yasui, M., & Hahm, H.C. (2016, July). Latent groups of youth cultural orientation strategies: Comparisons of characteristics in peer, parent, and family processes. Poster presentation at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD 2016), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee, C., *Tagerman, M., *Maru, M. (2015, October). A pilot intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors of young Asian American women. Poster presentation at the International Summit on Suicide Research, New York, NY.

Hahm, H.C., *Peterson, J., Kim, M., *Choe, E. (2015, October). Suicidal ideation and intent among young Asian-American women using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Poster presentation at the International Summit on Suicide Research, New York, NY.

Hahm, H.C., Chang, S., *Lee, A., *Poon K. (2015, March). Translational research: From observational study to intervention development: The creation of AWARE (Asian Women Action Asian Women's Action for Resilience and Empowerment). Oral presentation at the 6th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, Tokyo, Japan.

Hahm, H.C., Gonyea, J.G. ,*Koritzanszky, L. A. , *Archer S., & *Hok, R. (2014, September). Parenting style, suicidality, self–harm behaviors among Asian American children of immigrants. Oral presentation at the XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain.

Hahm, H.C., *Lee, J., Cook, B. (2013, October). Mental health status and service utilization among lesbian and b-sexual Asian-American women. Poster presentation at the Semi-annual meeting of Korean Academy of Social Welfare (KASW), Osan, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Jang, J., *Vu, C., *Alexander, M., *Chiao, C., & *Hwang, H. (2013, October). Oral presentation. Drug use, co-morbid mental health, and suicidality: Findings on young Asian-American women. Poster presentation at the III International Congress on Dual Disorders, Barcelona, Spain.

Hahm, H.C. (2013, March). Substance use, HIV risk behaviors, and health care utilization associated with forced sex among Asian-American women. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Lima, Peru.

Hahm, H.C. (2013, March). Depression among children of immigrants: Voices of Asian-Pacific Islander (API) women. Poster presentation at the 5th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Lima, Peru.

Hahm, H.C., Jang, J., *Shilling, S. (2012, September). Substance Use and Suicidal Behaviors among Asian-American Women. Scheduled to be presented at the 14th European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behavior, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Hahm, H.C., & Lee, J. (2012, April). HIV Risk, Substance Use, and Suicidal Behaviors among Asian American Sexual-Minority Women. Poster presented at the Semi-annual meeting of Korean Academy of Social Welfare (KASW). Osan, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., *Porter, E.A, *Ng, L. (2010, March). The effects of multiple types of child maltreatment and subsequent HIV risk behaviors among young women. Poster presented at International on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Marseille, France.

Hahm, H.C., & *Gaumond, J. (2009, August). The gender dimension in the effect of perceived discrimination on health: Asian Americans nationwide. Poster presented at the International Conference on Asia Pacific Psychology (ICAPP) Korean Psychological Association & Japanese Psychological Association, Seoul, Korea.

Hahm, H.C., & *Gaumond, J. (2009, August). Gender differences in major depressive disorder and suicidal ideation among Asian Americans: findings from NLAAS. Poster presented at the International Conference on Asia Pacific Conference, Seoul, Korea.


2018-2019 PI, Harvard AWARE project (Training and Implementation of AWARE intervention at Health Services Center at Harvard University), $17,500

Principal Investigator. (2013-2016). Intervention for API Women for Sexual Health and Mental Health (1R34MH0999-01A1). National Institute of Mental Health, $704,383.

Principal Investigator. (2009-2014). STI/HIV Risk Related Behaviors among Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Women (5K01MH086366-03). National Institute of Mental Health, Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, $834,929.

Principal Investigator. (2008-2009). HIV Testing Behaviors among US Physicians. Boston University School of Social Work, Dean’s Grant, $5,000.

Principal Investigator. (2007-2008). Asian American Adolescents’ Alcohol Use. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Center for the Prevention of Youth Alcohol Problems, $191,033.

Principal Investigator. (2007-2008). Acculturation and Alcohol Use among Asian Americans. Boston University School of Social Work, Dean’s Grant, $4,500.

Principal Investigator. (2002-2005). Failure to Seek Mental Health Care among the Severely Mentally Ill. National Institute of Health, Loan Repayment Program Grant, $22,000.

Principal Investigator. (2001-2002). Health Risk Behaviors among Asian-American Adolescents (1R03MH064341-01). National Institute of Mental Health, Office of AIDS, $23,955.

Grants Submitted

2019 Consultant, UMass Institute of Asian American Studies Fellowship Award: "Creating Narrative Content to Increase Mental Health Awareness Among Asian Immigrant Families in Greater Boston” ($4,000) PIs: Cindy Liu & Justin Chen. Submitted.

2018 Co-I, Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Seed Grant: "Narrative Approaches for Increasing Mental Health Awareness Among Chinese Immigrant Parents in Greater Boston” ($20,000) PIs: Cindy Liu & Justin Chen. Submitted.

2018 PI, NIH/National Institute of Health Grant: “The AWARE Intervention for Treating and Preventing Suicidal Behaviors for Asian American Women” $2,988,181. Being revised and to be resubmitted for June 2019 deadline.


2018-2019 PI, Harvard AWARE project (Training and Implementation of AWARE intervention at Health Services Center at Harvard University), $17,500

Principal Investigator. (2013-2016). Intervention for API Women for Sexual Health and Mental Health (1R34MH0999-01A1). National Institute of Mental Health, $704,383.

Principal Investigator. (2009-2014). STI/HIV Risk Related Behaviors among Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Women (5K01MH086366-03). National Institute of Mental Health, Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, $834,929.

Principal Investigator. (2008-2009). HIV Testing Behaviors among US Physicians. Boston University School of Social Work, Dean’s Grant, $5,000.

Principal Investigator. (2007-2008). Asian American Adolescents’ Alcohol Use. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Center for the Prevention of Youth Alcohol Problems, $191,033.

Principal Investigator. (2007-2008). Acculturation and Alcohol Use among Asian Americans. Boston University School of Social Work, Dean’s Grant, $4,500.

Principal Investigator. (2002-2005). Failure to Seek Mental Health Care among the Severely Mentally Ill. National Institute of Health, Loan Repayment Program Grant, $22,000.

Principal Investigator. (2001-2002). Health Risk Behaviors among Asian-American Adolescents (1R03MH064341-01). National Institute of Mental Health, Office of AIDS, $23,955.

Grants Submitted

2019 Consultant, UMass Institute of Asian American Studies Fellowship Award: "Creating Narrative Content to Increase Mental Health Awareness Among Asian Immigrant Families in Greater Boston” ($4,000) PIs: Cindy Liu & Justin Chen. Submitted.

2018 Co-I, Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Seed Grant: "Narrative Approaches for Increasing Mental Health Awareness Among Chinese Immigrant Parents in Greater Boston” ($20,000) PIs: Cindy Liu & Justin Chen. Submitted.

2018 PI, NIH/National Institute of Health Grant: “The AWARE Intervention for Treating and Preventing Suicidal Behaviors for Asian American Women” $2,988,181. Being revised and to be resubmitted for June 2019 deadline.

Professional Activities and Certifications

Grant and Conference Reviews
2016-Present: Grant Reviewer, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong
2014-Present: Expert Peer Reviewer, European Research Council
2012-Present: The Early Career Reviewer, National Institute of Health (NIH) at the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), Behavioral and Social Science Approaches to Preventing HIV/AIDS (BSPH) (March 2016)
2010-Present: Abstract Reviewer, Society for Social Work and Research Conference (SSWR)
2010-Present: Grant Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation

Editorial Activity (South Korea)
Editorial Board Member (2015-Present) Journal of Korean Mental Health

Editorial Activity (United States)
Editorial Board Member (2008-Present) Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Ad Hoc Reviews
Reviewer, (2016- Present) Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Violence Against Women
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work
Reviewer, (2015- Present) Substance Abuse
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Bio Medical Central (BMC) Public Health
Reviewer, (2015-Present) LGBT Health
Reviewer, (2014-Present) Bio Medical Central (BMC) Psychiatry
Reviewer, (2014-Present) Journal of Adolescent Research
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Race and Social Problem
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Journal of Homosexuality
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Culture, Health, and Sexuality
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Substance Use and Misuse
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Evaluation and Program Planning
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Women’s Health Issues
Reviewer, (2012-Present) AIDS Care
Reviewer, (2011-Present) Journal of Early Adolescence
Reviewer, (2011-Present) PLOS ONE (Open Access)
Reviewer, (2011-Present) Psychology of Violence
Reviewer, (2010-Present) Child Maltreatment
Reviewer, (2010-Present) American Journal of Community Psychology
Reviewer, (2010-Present) Western Journal of Nursing Research
Reviewer, (2009-Present) Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER)
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Child Abuse & Neglect
Reviewer, (2007-Present) Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Reviewer, (2006-Present) American Journal of Public Health
Reviewer, (2006-Present) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Reviewer, (2006-Present) Journal of Adolescent Health
Reviewer, (2005-Present) Social Science & Medicine

Professional Activities and Certifications

Grant and Conference Reviews
2016-Present: Grant Reviewer, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong
2014-Present: Expert Peer Reviewer, European Research Council
2012-Present: The Early Career Reviewer, National Institute of Health (NIH) at the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), Behavioral and Social Science Approaches to Preventing HIV/AIDS (BSPH) (March 2016)
2010-Present: Abstract Reviewer, Society for Social Work and Research Conference (SSWR)
2010-Present: Grant Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation

Editorial Activity (South Korea)
Editorial Board Member (2015-Present) Journal of Korean Mental Health

Editorial Activity (United States)
Editorial Board Member (2008-Present) Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Ad Hoc Reviews
Reviewer, (2016- Present) Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Violence Against Women
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work
Reviewer, (2015- Present) Substance Abuse
Reviewer, (2015-Present) Bio Medical Central (BMC) Public Health
Reviewer, (2015-Present) LGBT Health
Reviewer, (2014-Present) Bio Medical Central (BMC) Psychiatry
Reviewer, (2014-Present) Journal of Adolescent Research
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Race and Social Problem
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Journal of Homosexuality
Reviewer, (2013-Present) Culture, Health, and Sexuality
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Substance Use and Misuse
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Evaluation and Program Planning
Reviewer, (2012-Present) Women’s Health Issues
Reviewer, (2012-Present) AIDS Care
Reviewer, (2011-Present) Journal of Early Adolescence
Reviewer, (2011-Present) PLOS ONE (Open Access)
Reviewer, (2011-Present) Psychology of Violence
Reviewer, (2010-Present) Child Maltreatment
Reviewer, (2010-Present) American Journal of Community Psychology
Reviewer, (2010-Present) Western Journal of Nursing Research
Reviewer, (2009-Present) Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER)
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Reviewer, (2008-Present) Child Abuse & Neglect
Reviewer, (2007-Present) Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Reviewer, (2006-Present) American Journal of Public Health
Reviewer, (2006-Present) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Reviewer, (2006-Present) Journal of Adolescent Health
Reviewer, (2005-Present) Social Science & Medicine

Awards and Honors


2018: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Fellow of Social Work. Facilities at Denver, CO.
2015: Outstanding Mentor Award from Undergraduate Research. Opportunity Program (UROP), Boston University.
2015: Innovator’s Award (Contribution for research innovation) by Asian Women for Health Organization
2015: Fellow of Society for Social Work and Research (Fellows are members who have served with distinction to advance, disseminate, and translate research that address issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable, and just society.)
2015: Outstanding Mentor Award, Boston University Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
2015: Innovator’s Award (Contribution for research innovation) by Asian Women for Health Organization
2015: Certificate of Appreciation, Boston University School of Social Work, Professional Education Program
2015: Fellow of Society for Social Work and Research (Fellows are members who have served with distinction to advance, disseminate, and translate research that address issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable, and just society.)
2014: Featured Researcher, Boston University Research (http://www.bu.edu/ssw/research/our-research/featured-researchers/)
2012: Honorable Mention. “Who’s Who in Academia” by Stephen Bozanek. News Digest International.
2012: The Early Career Peer Reviewer for Study Section, National Institute of Health (NIH)
2012: Honorable Mention. “Who’s Who in Academia” by Stephen Bozanek. News Digest International
2010: Research Fellow, Family Research Consortium Summer Institute, Yale University Child Center
2007: Member of the Year, Cambridge Who’s Who
2006: Research Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services (CHIPS), Summer Institute
2005: Health Disparity Scholar, Special recognition by National Institutes of Health
2004: Dissertation Award, Council on Social Work Education, 50th Annual Program Meeting
2004: Health Disparity Scholar, NIMH
2002: Dissertation Distinction Award, Columbia University, School of Social Work
1999-2002: Research Fellow, NIMH, Council on Social Work Education, Minority Fellowship Program
1998-1999: Practice Fellow, NIMH, Council on Social Work Education, Minority Fellowship Program

Competitive Travel Awards

2007: Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Scientific Workshop, Los Angeles, CA (Sponsored by National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA))
2005: Health Disparities Conference, “Bridging Science and Culture to Improve Drug Abuse Research in Minority Communities,” Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIDA)
2000: Faculty grant writing workshop, New York, NY (Sponsored by NIDA)
2000: Socio-cultural conference, Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIMH)
2000: Faculty grant writing workshop, Washington, DC (Sponsored by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
1999: Evidence based practice faculty development workshop, Ann Arbor, MI (Sponsored by NIMH)
1999: Dissertation grant writing workshop, Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIMH)
1999: Dissertation grant writing workshop, San Francisco, CA (Sponsored by NIMH)

Awards and Honors


2018: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Fellow of Social Work. Facilities at Denver, CO.
2015: Outstanding Mentor Award from Undergraduate Research. Opportunity Program (UROP), Boston University.
2015: Innovator’s Award (Contribution for research innovation) by Asian Women for Health Organization
2015: Fellow of Society for Social Work and Research (Fellows are members who have served with distinction to advance, disseminate, and translate research that address issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable, and just society.)
2015: Outstanding Mentor Award, Boston University Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
2015: Innovator’s Award (Contribution for research innovation) by Asian Women for Health Organization
2015: Certificate of Appreciation, Boston University School of Social Work, Professional Education Program
2015: Fellow of Society for Social Work and Research (Fellows are members who have served with distinction to advance, disseminate, and translate research that address issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable, and just society.)
2014: Featured Researcher, Boston University Research (http://www.bu.edu/ssw/research/our-research/featured-researchers/)
2012: Honorable Mention. “Who’s Who in Academia” by Stephen Bozanek. News Digest International.
2012: The Early Career Peer Reviewer for Study Section, National Institute of Health (NIH)
2012: Honorable Mention. “Who’s Who in Academia” by Stephen Bozanek. News Digest International
2010: Research Fellow, Family Research Consortium Summer Institute, Yale University Child Center
2007: Member of the Year, Cambridge Who’s Who
2006: Research Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services (CHIPS), Summer Institute
2005: Health Disparity Scholar, Special recognition by National Institutes of Health
2004: Dissertation Award, Council on Social Work Education, 50th Annual Program Meeting
2004: Health Disparity Scholar, NIMH
2002: Dissertation Distinction Award, Columbia University, School of Social Work
1999-2002: Research Fellow, NIMH, Council on Social Work Education, Minority Fellowship Program
1998-1999: Practice Fellow, NIMH, Council on Social Work Education, Minority Fellowship Program

Competitive Travel Awards

2007: Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Scientific Workshop, Los Angeles, CA (Sponsored by National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA))
2005: Health Disparities Conference, “Bridging Science and Culture to Improve Drug Abuse Research in Minority Communities,” Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIDA)
2000: Faculty grant writing workshop, New York, NY (Sponsored by NIDA)
2000: Socio-cultural conference, Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIMH)
2000: Faculty grant writing workshop, Washington, DC (Sponsored by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
1999: Evidence based practice faculty development workshop, Ann Arbor, MI (Sponsored by NIMH)
1999: Dissertation grant writing workshop, Washington, DC (Sponsored by NIMH)
1999: Dissertation grant writing workshop, San Francisco, CA (Sponsored by NIMH)
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