Social Work Research Waiver Exam

SR 743 Introduction to Social Work Research I Waiver Exam Information 

If you are interested in taking the SR 743 waiver exam, carefully read the following information. 


Our program offers entering students with a strong research methods background the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency by passing a research methods examination. Those who pass may waive the Research I (SR743) course requirement. To pass, you must receive a threshold score of 70 or higher. You then must replace SR 743 with an elective in your program. (Note: students may not waive out of the second required research course, SR 744)

Please note: If you are an Advanced Standing student who would like to test out of Research I, you must still take the exam, and, if passed, you will not need to replace SR 743 with an elective class.

The waiver exam is available online to those enrolling in any of BUSSW’s four MSW programs: Charles River Campus, Off-Campus, Online and Worcester Hybrid.

The approximate cost of the waiver exam is $25. 

You may only take the exam once.

FIRST STEP: Create a BU email address

In order to take the research waiver exam, you must have a Boston University email address. This is because the exam will be taken on Blackboard, an online learning management system that requires a BU login. 

To create your BU email, you must follow the instructions in your MSW acceptance letter and, if required, pay your deposit. You will then receive welcome materials and information from the Registrar on how to create your BU email address. 

Please note: Each program receives their acceptance letter and BU email set-up instructions at different times.

We offer three opportunities to take the Social Work Research Waiver Exam each academic year: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Interest Form Deadlines & Exam Dates – 2024-25 Academic Year:

August exam – The deadline to complete the mandatory Research Waiver Exam Interest Form is August 5, 2024. The exam dates are August 19-22, 2024

December exam – The deadline to complete the mandatory Research Waiver Exam Interest Form is November 18, 2024. The exam dates are December 2-5, 2024.

April exam – The deadline to complete the mandatory Research Waiver Exam Interest Form is March 31, 2025. The exam dates are April 14-17, 2025.


To register for the exam, all students must submit the mandatory Research Waiver Exam Interest Form by the date listed above.

After you’ve completed the Research Waiver Exam Interest Form, you will receive an email from the Academic Support Team with information about how to access the exam, select a date and time, and the exam requirements.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the research waiver exam, please contact