Statistics is the science and, arguably, also the art of learning from data. As a discipline it is concerned with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, as well as the effective communication and presentation of results relying on data. Statistics lies at the heart of the type of quantitative reasoning necessary for making important advances in the sciences, such as medicine and genetics, and for making important decisions in business and public policy.


From medical studies to research experiments, from satellites continuously orbiting the globe to ubiquitous social network sites like Facebook or LinkedIn, from polling organizations to United Nations observers, data are being collected everywhere and all the time. Knowledge in statistics provides you with the necessary tools and conceptual foundations in quantitative reasoning to extract information intelligently from this sea of data.

At Boston University undergraduates can pursue studies in statistics, through degree programs in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in a number of ways.

  • If your main interest is in another field, but you know that statistical skills  will be key to making a real impact in that field, then a minor in mathematics, with specialization in statistics, may make most sense. This are particularly popular with students in psychology, sociology, business, and related social sciences, as well as increasingly so with students in biology.
  • If it’s statistics itself that attracts you, then a major in mathematics, with specialization in statistics, is what you want.
  • Finally, for those that get an early start and do well in their courses, the Department’s joint BA/MA degree deserves serious consideration, allowing students to graduate in as little as four years with both bachelors and masters degrees in mathematics, with specialization in statistics.


“The demand for statisticians is currently high and growing. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of nonacademic jobs for statisticians is expected to increase through 2016. “

— American Statistical Association

Statisticians are in demand in all sectors of society, ranging from government, to business and industry, to universities and research labs. As a statistician you can be involved with the development of new lifesaving drugs in a pharmaceutical, the shaping of public policy in government, the planning of market strategy in business, or the management of investment portfolios in finance. Not only are there a wide variety of exciting opportunities for statisticians, but careers in statistics generally can be quite lucrative, with statisticians of sufficient experience often able to earn six-figure salaries.

For more information on career opportunities, including several opportunities in the US Federal Agencies,  see the website of the American Statistical Association, at www.amstat.org/careers. Of particular interest to undergraduates is the new STATTRAK website


I am so grateful to be on this journey with so many great professors, and I would definitely recommend majoring in statistics at BU.
                  —Chuning Shi, BA Statistics

Chuning Shi: “Statistics has provided me with a more scientific and rigorous way of looking at the world. Learning statistics at BU has been an amazing experience for me. The courses I took lead me into the world of statistics and help me find out the field that I am really interested in. The professors in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics possess extensive knowledge and expertise in their respective research areas. They are always willing to engage with students and offer valuable insights into students’ academic and career paths. I am so grateful to be on this journey with so many great professors, and I would definitely recommend majoring in statistics at BU.


The skills I acquired through my coursework and class projects made me an attractive job candidate to a variety of organizations and helped me secure a great position at a local biotech company weeks after graduation.

                   —Hoxie Ackerman, BA-MA Statistics

Hoxie Ackerman: “Looking back on my time in the Boston University Mathematics & Statistics department, I was constantly impressed by the high caliber of professors and the breadth of courses offered. The skills I acquired through my coursework and class projects made me an attractive job candidate to a variety of organizations and helped me secure a great position at a local biotech company weeks after graduation. Furthermore, the BA/MA program is an incredible opportunity; the additional coursework and degree have both enhanced my ability to succeed at my job and prepared me for top PhD programs. Strong mathematicians and statisticians will play a prominent role in almost every field in the twenty-first century, and a degree from the Boston University Mathematics & Statistics department will serve you well for many years to come.”

There are so many companies out there that need Statisticians. Because of my BA/MA in math/stats, I have found a job which I really love. Thank you BU Math/Stats department.
                  —Mathilde Kaper, BA-MA Statistics

Mathilde Kaper: “I was unsure of what I wanted to major in, but this quickly changed once I started taking more math and stat classes at BU. Couldn’t have asked for a better group of professors who clearly are there due to their love of their subjects and desire to inspire others. They made time to make sure that you understood the material and they were there to see to it that you succeeded. One word of advice: make sure to ask lots of questions! And remember that there are so many companies out there that need Statisticians. Because of my BA/MA in math/stats, I have found a job which I really love.”


Learning from esteemed professors, each an expert in their field, further enriched my PhD journey, offering unique insights and cultivating a collaborative learning environment.

                 —Ante Bing, PhD Statistics
Ante Bing: “Reflecting upon my PhD journey within the Mathematics & Statistics department at Boston University, my experience has been nothing short of transformative. I was initially drawn to statistics for its vast range of applications across various fields. The program’s engaging coursework and supportive atmosphere not only deepened my understanding of both theoretical and practical statistics but also nurtured my curiosity, leading me to explore adaptive clinical trial designs. Learning from esteemed professors, each an expert in their field, further enriched my PhD journey, offering unique insights and cultivating a collaborative learning environment. The new CCDS building, with its state-of-the-art classrooms and graduate student offices, along with the supportive academic environment, has been instrumental in my development as a statistician, broadening my perspectives on the possible horizons in statistics. As I am now navigating the job market, I am confident that the training and experiences I’ve gained at BU have prepared me exceptionally well to make valuable contributions in my future endeavors.”
Boston is the greatest city in the US and statistics is the best field to study! That makes Boston University, the number one statistics program in Boston, a no-brainer!
                —Nathaniel Josephs, PhD Statistics
Nathaniel Josephs: “Boston is the greatest city in the US and statistics is the best field to study! That makes Boston University, the number one statistics program in Boston, a no-brainer! The statistics program at BU is well-rounded and modern with faculty that have diverse areas of expertise including Bayesian statistics, causal inference, machine learning, and my own field of network analysis. My research blossomed at BU and the faculty helped me secure a postdoctoral position after graduation and later a tenure-track appointment. Central to the university’s vision for data-related activities, with a new building overlooking the beautiful Charles River, there is no better place to start your statistics journey!”
When I started my search for Ph.D. programs, the Boston University Statistics Program was at the top of my list.
               —Kelly Kung, PhD Statistics
Kelly Kung: “I fell in love with statistics because I loved that one can use math to make sense of data in order to answer different questions. After my undergraduate studies, I knew that I wanted to learn more about statistics and to pursue a Ph.D in statistics. When I started my search for Ph.D. programs, the Boston University Statistics Program was at the top of my list.  The diversity in the professors’ research, the multitude of options for classes, and the comradery of the students and faculty when I visited are only some of the reasons why I chose to attend BU. During my time at BU, I was able to further my knowledge in Causal Inference (a research area that many companies are now interested in) through my classes and through my dissertation research, to develop my leadership and consulting skills as a TF for the MSSP program, and to work with many amazing faculty members and students. BU also helped prepare me for life after the Ph.D. program, as I am now using both technical (e.g. R, statistical knowledge) and soft skills (e.g. communication, project management) I gained from BU in my daily life at work. I am so grateful for all the things I learned at BU!”
I am truly grateful for my time at BU and can say without a doubt that the place and the people in it provide a wonderful center for the cultivation of knowledge and intellectual virtues.
               —Zachary Bezemek, PhD Mathematics (Probability focus)
Zachary Bezemek: “My time getting my PhD in mathematics at Boston University was incredibly illuminating and contributed immensely to my personal and professional growth. Boston is a very attractive city for scholars, with a multitude of research institutions and diverse offerings of food, music, and art. I met many of my closest friends at BU and enjoyed the various social events and overall hospitable nature of the department. I was able to take and audit a wide range of courses from experts both within the department and out. I also benefited greatly from attending the weekly seminars which brought in experts from around the world. These experiences, along with the guidance of my PhD advisor, contributed immensely to my development as an academic. I am truly grateful for my time at BU and can say without a doubt that the place and the people in it provide a wonderful center for the cultivation of knowledge and intellectual virtues.”