Denominational Resources for STH Students

The School of Theology welcomes students from a wide variety of denominational and theological backgrounds. Our student body includes members of over 40 different Christian denominations, other religious traditions, and some who do not hold any religious affiliation. Our largest student populations are within the United Methodist (and wider Wesleyan family), Baptist, Episcopalian, United Church of Christ, and Unitarian Universalist traditions. We welcome students who are seeking a denominational home as well, as seminary is a wonderful time for that discernment.

United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, AME Zion, and Christian Methodist Episcopal Resources

Boston University School of Theology was founded in 1839 as the first Methodist seminary in the United States by abolitionists committed to the combination of academic rigor paired with social change. This legacy of linking head, heart, and hands remains a hallmark of our curriculum still today. As one of 13 United Methodist theological schools in the United States, Boston University School of Theology is committed to equipping leaders for the future of the church through strong faculty mentors, ordination guidance, and scholarships. Members of the United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal, AME Zion, and Christian Methodist Episcopal Church denominations are eligible for all of the resources found below. Students with wider Wesleyan backgrounds, such as Nazarene or Korean Methodist, may also find the following resources helpful.

United Church of Christ Community of Learning

The United Church of Christ Community of Learning (UCCCL) at Boston University School of Theology is a collaboration with the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ, but is open to students from all UCC conferences. Its mission is to form a community of students, faculty, and staff dedicated to nurturing and preparing United Church of Christ students for future leadership and service in and through the church. The UCCCL seeks to nurture the next generation of leaders for the UCC, equipping them in both UCC and ecumenical traditions of Christianity and providing them with curricular and co-curricular opportunities to ground their academic, spiritual, ecclesial, professional, and social-global growth. The UCCCL is guided by the aim of cultivating the “Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers” developed by the UCC (

Anglican Episcopal Community of Learning

The Anglican Episcopal Community of Learning (AECL) at Boston University School of Theology is a collaboration with the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and other interested dioceses, churches, and organizations that wish to network and partner with the School. Its mission is to form a community of students, faculty, and staff dedicated to nurturing and preparing Episcopalians and other Anglicans for future leadership and service in and through the church. The AECL seeks to nurture the next generation of leaders for the Anglican and Episcopal communions, equipping them in both Anglican and ecumenical traditions of Christianity and providing them with curricular and co-curricular opportunities to ground their academic, spiritual, ecclesial, professional, and social-global growth.

Denominational Scholarships & Outside Awards

Scholarships, grants, and loans are available from a number of denominational, humanitarian, and other agencies, and incoming students should apply for them to reduce the cost of their seminary education. See the School’s Scholarships and Outside Awards page to learn more, but also make sure to check your own denomination’s national website for the most up-to-date information.

Related Resources

Paying for Seminary

Learn more about the School of Theology's generous financial aid.

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Denominational Resources

Check out our denominational offerings and the denomination-specific communities of learning.

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Campus Visits

We invite prospective students to visit us here in Boston or meet with us virtually.

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