The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for December 2023:

  • Eunil David Cho
    • “Counterstorytelling as an Analytical Framework for Qualitative Research and Anti-racist Pastoral Care and Theology,” Journal of Pastoral Theology 33, vol. 3 (2023): 1-17.

  • Luis Menéndez-Antuña (interview)
    • “Entrevista a Fernando Segovia” Reseña Biblica 120, 74-76.

  • Dana Robert

    • The Dutch Reformed Women’s Missionary Movement from South Africa and the Mt. Holyoke Connection. Luviri Occasional Papers No.1 (Mzuzu, Malawi: Luviri Press, 2023).

  • Rady Roldán-Figueroa

    • “Empire of Portland Cement, Concrete Blocks, and Specialty Shingles.” Social Sciences and Missions , vol. 36, 2023.

  • Andrew Shenton
    • “Messiaen as Organist of L’Église de la Sainte-Trinité,” in Messiaen in Context (Robert Sholl, editor), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

    • “Messiaen and the Organ Recordings,” in Messiaen in Context (Robert Sholl, editor), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

  • Andrew Shenton (presentations) 
    • “The Phenomenal Arvo Pärt,” lecture at The Bunker Art Collective, San Luis Obispo, CA, November 2023.

    • “Defining Genius: Tradition and Innovation in Pärt and Mozart’s Sacred Music,” lecture at the Pavilion Performing Arts Center, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, November 2023.

  • Shively T. J. Smith
    • As co-editor: “Introduction to the New Testament Letters and Apocalypse,” and “Historical Context: Sources for the Historical Jesus.” Pages 1726, 1973-–1977. In The SBL Study Bible, edited by Steven L. McKenzie, Kristin De Troyer, F. Scott Spencer, Shively T. J. Smith, et. al. Atlanta: GA: New York: HarperCollins,2023.

  • Karen Westerfield Tucker

    • As co-editor: White, James F. Introduction to Christian Worship: Fourth Edition Revised and Updated. Edited by L. Edward Phillips, Karen B. Westerfield Tucker et al., Abingdon Press, 21 Nov. 2023.

    • As contributing scholar: The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2023.

  • Peng Yin 

    • Transpacific Political Theology: Perspectives and Methods,” Panelist at Liberation Theologies Unit, American Academy of Religion, 2023.

  • Peng Yin (presentations)

    • “Christianity: The Chinese Way,” The McDonald Faith and Global Engagement Distinguished Lecture Series, The University of Hong Kong, 2023.

    • “Christianity and Queerness: Affinities and Their Political Implications,” Gender Studies, The University of Hong Kong.

    • “The Religious Origins of the New Cold War Discourse,” China and the World: Historical Interactions Series 4, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    • “Chineseness, Queerness, and Theological Negation: My Personal Journey,” the Divinity School of Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.