The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications for the month of April 2022:

  • Filipe Maia
    • “The Rise of the Common: Spiritual Revival and Political Revolution in the Wesleyan Movement.” In Methodist Revolutions: Evangelical Engagements of Church and World. Edited by Joerg Rieger and Upolu Lumā Vaai. Nashville: Wesley’s Fondery Books, 2022.

  • Mary Elizabeth Moore
    • “Liberating Service: In Christian Community and Diaconal Ministries,” Currents in Theology and Mission: The World is My Parish: Festschrift for the Rev. Dr. Norma Cook Everist, Emerita Professor, 49:2 (April 2022)

    • “Responding to a Weeping Planet: Practical Theology as a Discipline Called by Crisis,” Religions 2022, 13(3), 244;

  • Judith Oleson
  • Dana Robert, et al
    • Kara Jackman, Patricia Thompson. “Methodist Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society Windows.”
  • Steven Sandage
  • Steven Sandage, et al
    • Jankowski, P.J., Sandage, S.J., Wang, D.C., & Crabtree, S.A. (2022). “Virtues as mediators of the associations between religious/spiritual commitment and well-being. Applied Research in Quality of Life.”

  • Brandon Simonson, et al
    • Elizabeth Schrader and Brandon Simonson, “‘Rabbouni,’ which means Lord: Narrative Variants in John 20:16,” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 26 (2021): 133-54.