The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications for April 2023:

  • Daryl Ireland

    • “Leaping (and Bridging) the Digital Gorge: Development, User-Experience, and the China Historical Christian Database (CHCD),” Digital Humanities 1, no. 1 (2022): 123-134.

    • “Lessons and Gifts of Interreligious Encounters,” in Portraits of Global Christianity: Research and Reflections in Honor of Todd M. Johnson, ed. Gina Zurlo, 109-119 (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2023).

  • Anastasia Kidd
    • Fat Church: Claiming a Gospel of Fat Liberation. Pilgrim Press.

  • Steven Sandage, et al
    • Hydinger, K.R., Sandage, S.J., Wu, X., Stein, L., & Wang, D.C. (2023). Compassion and humility as predictors of diversity and justice commitments among seminary faculty. Pastoral Psychology.

  • Karen Westerfield Tucker
    • “Early Christian Foundations for Current Sacramental Thought: A Brief Overview.” In T & T Clark Handbook of Sacraments and Sacramentality, ed. Martha Moore-Keish and James Farwell, pp. 39-44. New York: T & T Clark, 2023.