Prof. Steven Sandage co-authors article in The Conversation on stress among spiritual leaders

The following is an excerpt from the article “‘I love this work, but it’s killing me’: The unique toll of being a spiritual leader today” co-authored by Albert and Jessie Danielsen Professor of Psychology of Religion and Theology Steven Sandage, published on June 24, 2024 by The Conversation US. Click here to read the full article. 

Clergy, chaplains and other spiritual leaders play vital roles in their communities, from celebrating life’s most joyous moments to offering comfort and guidance in the face of tragedy.

However, the personal toll of this work on spiritual leaders can be immense, including burnout, trauma and health challenges – and often goes unacknowledged.

There is growing attention to the stresses clergy have experienced amid the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing polarization. Chaplains, too, faced significant strain in their pivotal but often invisible role within health care. There is concern over a potential “great resignation,” with more than a third of U.S. pastors thinking about quitting.

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