Springboard Funding

Application for Springboard Funding

Submission Deadlines

For Spring Semester Projects: November 1st
For Summer Semester Projects: February 1st
For Fall Semester Projects: May 1st

Boston University School of Theology seeks to support students with education, research, and enrichment experiences that they may not otherwise be able to conceive and realize. A small pool of “Springboard” Funding will be awarded to full-time master’s-level students enrolled in School of Theology degree programs who wish to engage themselves in special internships, research opportunities, and projects. This is a competitive awards program based on the availability of funds, financial need of the applicant(s) and the merit of the applications as judged by the faculty.

Examples of Projects That Will Not Be Funded by Springboard

  • New ministries or church work
  • Contextual field education experiences used to meet requirements for TC-801, TC-802, TF-801, TF-821, TF-822, TF-810, and TF-811.
  • Fieldwork or course-related travel for courses outside of STH
  • CPE (clinical pastoral education)
  • Activities that supplement existing STH organizations. Budgets are allotted for these organizations within STH, and springboard funding should not be viewed as a way of adding to existing programming
  • Certification programs for students (e.g. someone who wants to get certified as a yoga instructor).
  • Start-up businesses

Additional Application Guidelines

Remember, this application must be submitted with:

  1. A paper describing your proposed project/research/internship/directed study course and provide a rationale for how it constitutes contextual learning. If applicable, please include any supporting documents.
  2. Budget should reflect sufficient income to match expenses.
  3. All travel projects should include itinerary with tentative confirmation for contacts and site visits.
  4. IRB approval is required for projects involving human beings as research subjects. For questions, contact Boston University Institutional Review Board CRC, 617.358.6922. /

Within one month of completing the project/event, the student(s) must submit a summary of the project plus learning outcomes via this online form.

Restrictions and Policies

  1. All springboard projects, internships, and research that are funded must be completed at least one month prior to the recipient’s graduation date
  2. Questions about action-reflection projects or internships can be directed to the Program Coordinator in the Office of Contextual Education (Suite 107) at sthope@bu.edu or 617-353-3038. Questions about doctoral springboard funding should be directed to Bryan Stone, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  3. Award recipients will be notified within 30 days of submission. Applicants should keep this timeframe in mind and avoid submitting applications that require approvals within less than 30 days
  4. All springboard awards are considered financial aid and may only be awarded if the student has room in their financial aid budget as determined by the STH Office of Financial Aid
  5. Students who are out of academic compliance or not in good standing academically are ineligible for this award

Application Category Descriptions

“Springboard” funding aims to support and evaluate various forms of contextual learning. Applications may be made in any of the following categories. Priority will be given to projects in service learning, community-based research, or action-reflection projects with faith communities or community organizations. Directed study courses that meet Springboard requirements are eligible for Springboard funding.

Students may receive funding for no more than one project (including group projects) during their time at STH. A student participating in a travel seminar may not at the same time “double dip” by applying for Springboard funding beyond the funding received for the travel seminar itself. However, this does not exclude a student from submitting an application for an individual project that precedes or follows a travel seminar.

Action-Reflection Projects
This category encourages students to work together in designing creative action-reflection or ministry projects in church or community. Priority will be given to group applications. Award levels will vary based on demonstrated need for the project. Applicants also need to submit a proposed budget detailing expenses, any other anticipated funding sources, and a 1-page letter of recommendation from a person who works/lives at the site and who has agreed to serve as a site mentor. Decisions are made by the Contextual Education Office. Individual awards up to $1500. Group awards up to $4000.

Internships (international or domestic)
Awards are given for non-required internships, which are clearly not continuing field education experiences. These internships may not be located at a previous field education site. Award amounts will vary based on expenses incurred by internship. The applicant’s paper should make clear how the proposed experience embodies the sort of supervised apprenticeship that justifies its character as an internship. Applicants also need to submit a proposed budget detailing expenses, any other anticipated funding sources, and a 1-page letter of recommendation from a person who works/lives at the site and who has agreed to serve as a site mentor. The site mentor will also need to submit a brief (1-page) statement within a month after the end of the internship confirming that the internship has been completed satisfactorily. Decisions are made by the Contextual Education Office. Awards up to $2500/student.

Contextual Research for PhD Students at the Prospectus or Dissertation Writing Stage
Funding grants of up to $2,000 per student are available to subsidize demonstrated financial expenses incurred as part of contextual research for dissertation projects. To be eligible, the contextual research must be part of a dissertation project and students must have an approved prospectus. Exceptions may be made in cases where doctoral students need to travel to specific archival holdings before approval of a prospectus provided that the student’s first and second readers approve the student’s tentative plan of study (that is, a draft prospectus). Applicants need to submit a proposed budget detailing expenses and any other anticipated funding sources. Decisions are made by the Advanced Studies Committee.

Contextual Research for DMin students at the Thesis Writing Stage
Funding grants of up to $500/student are available to subsidize demonstrated financial expenses incurred as part of contextual research for thesis projects. To be eligible, the contextual research must be part of the thesis project and students must have an approved thesis proposal. Applicants need to submit a proposed budget detailing expenses and any other anticipated funding sources. Decisions are made by the DMin Committee.

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