Dana Robert

Prof. Dana Robert delivers Plenary Address at 2024 New England Annual Conference

William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor Dana Robert delivered the plenary address “Co-Creating Justice and Joy: Decolonizing United Methodist Mission, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” at the 2024 New England Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church on June 20, 2024. Introduced by interim Bishop Peggy A. Johnson, Prof. Robert began her remarks by asking, “Giving the […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for April 2024

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for April 2024: Eunil David Cho (panel) Panelist, “Classroom as Community,” BU Faculty Forum: InnovateEDU: Exploring the Future of Learning at BU, April 9, 2024. Robert A. Hill Salt City Prayers. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2024. Partnership in the gospel: […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for March 2024

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for March 2024: Eunil David Cho (presentations) “Breaking the Silence for Such a Time as This: Psychological Analysis of Esther’s Intersectional Identity in Esther 4,” Old Testament Research Colloquium at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ “The Brief Comparative History of […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for February 2024

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for February 2024: David Jacobsen “Commentary on Mark 9:2-9.” Working Preacher from Luther Seminary, 11 February 2024, https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/transfiguration-of-our-lord-2/commentary-on-mark-92-9-6 “Commentary on Mark 1:9-15.” Working Preacher from Luther Seminary, 18 February 2024, https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/first-sunday-in-lent-2/commentary-on-mark-19-15-6 Filipe Maia Introduction, “Methodism and the Spirit of Empire,” […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for December 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for December 2023: Eunil David Cho “Counterstorytelling as an Analytical Framework for Qualitative Research and Anti-racist Pastoral Care and Theology,” Journal of Pastoral Theology 33, vol. 3 (2023): 1-17. Luis Menéndez-Antuña (interview) “Entrevista a Fernando Segovia” Reseña Biblica 120, 74-76. […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for November 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for November 2023: Eunil David Cho, et al Eunil David Cho & Garam Han (2023) “A Pilgrimage to the Motherland: Understanding Pilgrimage Experience as Embodied Religious Education for Immigrant Youth.” Journal of Religious Education, DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2023.2268971 Dana Robert “From Mission […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications for October 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications for October 2023: Eunil David Cho, et al Moschella, Mary and Eunil David Cho, “Editorial: Chaplaincy, Diversity, and the Common Good,” Journal of Pastoral Theology 33, no. 2 (2023): 81-83. Dana Robert Foreword, Georgina Gollock, Pioneering Female Missiologist by Ian Randall (CCCW, 2023). […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications for September 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications for September 2023: Choi Hee An “Asian Immigrants’ Hinterland,” Rebekah Pryor and Stephen Burns eds. Feminist Theologies: Interstices and Fractures, Lexington: Fortress Press, 2023. Choi Hee An, et al  “Intellectual humility and religion/spirituality: a scoping review of research,” co-authored with Elise J. Y. […]

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Prof. Dana L. Robert Keynote Speaker at 14th Annual Underwood International Symposium in South Korea

June 2023 — William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor Dana L. Robert recently returned from a five-day trip to South Korea where she was the headlining presenter at the 14th Annual Underwood International Symposium, and the featured speaker at three educational institutions. Prof. Robert presented seven lectures at two churches and three universities as part of […]

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