Library Advisors Program

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The Library Advisors Program at the Boston University School of Theology was launched to introduce incoming first-year students at the School of Theology to the wealth of collection and services their library has to offer.

New students at STH will be matched to their own Library Advisor, who is a friendly resource within the library who is available to help you navigate the (sometimes anxiety-filled) years of graduate school with papers, projects, and presentations due. Contact your Library Advisor or any other staff member (you are not limited to just talking to your Library Advisor!) at any time if you have questions about your research- we are always willing to help and are available in a variety of different ways:

  • At the reference desk (see our hours for more)
  • Via email (see the staff directory here, or email all library staff directly at
  • Our online contact form here
  • Even our Twitter account!

Your Library Advisor may contact you throughout the year to let you know about services or new database and research tools the library is introducing, or announce upcoming tours of collections, or highlight new research strategies. We will remain your Library Advisor throughout your time here at the School of Theology so always feel free to stop by and get to know us!

As the School of Theology Library is one of many libraries on campus and at Boston University, you may need to use the resources of another library in your research. If you are uncertain about where to locate a resource, feel free to check in with your Library Advisor or another School of Theology Library staff member. The staff at other Boston University libraries are also available to provide help.

Visit the library staff to learn more about the librarians at the School of Theology Library.