Visit BTI or BLC Libraries

As a member of the Boston University School of Theology community, you are eligible for visitor borrowing privileges at a number of libraries around New England:

Borrow In-Person from BC, Northeastern, and Brandeis Libraries using just your BU ID

Through agreements with Boston College, Northeastern University, and Brandeis University, all BU students, faculty, and staff can borrow directly from those universities’ libraries using just their BU ID (Terrier Card), like you would checking out an item at our library. Furthermore, when those items are due, no need to trek all the way back to the library from which you borrowed the item; just drop the book off at Mugar Library’s book return! Remember that all due dates are set by the lending institution and we are unable to take care of fines or renew items for you.

Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI) Borrowing

The Boston University School of Theology is a member of the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI), which is a partnership of ten different schools of theology in the Boston area. Through this partnership, all current BU School of Theology students, faculty, and staff, as well as students in the Division of Religious and Theological Studies, are able to borrow at all the BTI libraries.  Please visit each library’s website view their borrowing policies; you are responsible directly to the BTI library for any overdue fines, lost, or damaged materials.

Opt-In to BTI Borrowing

To borrow at BTI Libraries, simply “opt-in” to BTI Borrowing on the BTI Portal! If creating a new account, visit and fill out the New Students form. Simply check the box at the bottom of the form asking if you wish to borrow from other BTI Libraries. Allow 2-3 business days for approval by the registrar and the BTI. You only need to complete this step once. Through the rest of your program, you will be eligible to borrow at all BTI Libraries.

If you already have an account, at the BTI portal, you need to “opt-in” to borrow at BTI Libraries. Log into your BTI Portal account, and click on the link “Library Sign-Up.” Click on the link “Click Here to Opt-in for Borrowing at BTI Libraries.” On the next screen, hit “Edit Item” on the top left of the page, and check the box saying “I wish to Opt-in for Borrowing at BTI Libraries.” Click submit, and you’re done!

Once you have finished “opting in,” you will be able to register a patron account at the circulation desk of any BTI library, presenting only your BU ID.

Note: All BU students can check out items at BC Libraries simply using only your BU ID (Terrier Card). No need to opt-in.

Note: The BTI does not grant access to Harvard’s Widener Library.

Returning BTI Books

Items checked out at another BTI library can be returned to the BU School of Theology Library circulation desk. You must sign the BTI return log (in a red binder) upon returning these items at the Theology Library circulation desk during business hours; do not return BTI materials in the book drop. BTI books from other libraries returned to the School of Theology Library are returned by courier to their home institution. This process may take about a week. Overdue notices may still be sent out between a BTI book’s return to our library and the date when it finally reaches the originating library, but any fines should be waived when the book arrives.

Boston Library Consortium (BLC) Borrowing

BU graduate students, faculty, and staff are able to apply online for a Boston Library Consortium (BLC) Card through BU’s Mugar Memorial Library. The BLC card allows you to borrow books from any member library of the Boston Library Consortium. Borrowing lengths, fines, etc. all set by lending institution, and you must return items at the library from which they were borrowed.

Note:  You do not need BLC privileges to borrow at BC, Northeastern, or Brandeis. You just need your BU ID.