Report to the President
Undergraduate Education
- Selectivity
- Acceptance and yield
- Quality of applicant pool
- Diversity of applicant pool
- Retention and completion rates, including measures of internal transfer and changes of major
- Post-graduate scholarships and placement rates
- Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall Scholarships
- Graduate school admissions
- Employment
- Internships/externships (i.e., internships leading to post-graduate employment)
- Service, such as Teach America and Peace Corps
- Alumni surveys and participation in philanthropic support of the University
- Faculty/student ratios
Graduate and Professional Education and Research
- Sponsored research awards
- Rankings
- Number of top-ten departments and Schools
- Number of top-twenty departments and Schools
- Job placement of doctoral students
- Job placement of professional students and student success in passing professional entrance examinations
- Undergraduate research participation
- Number of students who complete senior/honors theses
- Library volumes (hard copy and electronic as well as available services and infrastructure)
- Vacancy rates and completed searches; promotion and tenure rates
- Diversity
- External recognition of faculty quality
- Teaching: new courses, use of educational technology
- Multi-department hires, cross-School and cross-departmental course development
- International presence
Student Life
- Student satisfaction surveys
- Client surveys (service offices)
- Participation rates: student activities, athletics, leadership opportunities
Administrative Staffing, Services, and Systems
- Facility condition index
- Deferred maintenance
- Technology user survey
- Staff vacancy rates, internal promotions, and completed hires
- Staff “quality of life” measures
- Endowment size and market performance
- Success of a capital campaign
- Tuition: discount rate and increases
- Operating and non-operating revenue
- Staffing levels