How to Start A Student Group

Thank you for your interest in creating a new student organization! We love learning about our students passions and what they want to accomplish during their time here at BU. There are a few things you need to do before your group can be officially recognized by Student Activities, so lets get started!

Before you consider applying for recognition, do your research. Check to see if there is already a club on campus that is doing what you’re trying to bring to BU. Look on the SAO TerrierCentral website to filter through all the current organizations we have on campus. If you see a group that is similar to yours, have a conversation with the leadership. Can you collaborate and grow the existing group? Is there an opportunity for shared responsibility? How is your group different? After you do this, and you learn your club is truly new and unique to BU, then you should apply for recognition.


Now, be sure that you have the following information and meet these requirements before you begin:

  1.  The names and BU emails of your 4 officers. We require that all organizations name a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All members must be on campus to fill these roles and must be a full time student. Students abroad are not eligible for eboard positions. Also, keep in mind any graduate students on an executive board automatically change the status of an organization to a graduate group.
  2.  A detailed description of your group explaining the mission and vision of your organization.
  3. Your organization is a student based initiative, not something managed by a school/college Undergraduate/Graduate Programs Office. Department initiatives will not be approved. A constitution with rules and policies to govern your organization. If you need help with the constitution, you are welcome to download our guide to help in the process. Guide to Drafting Student Group Constitutions
  4. Once you have submitted the application we highly recommend you set up a time to meet with one of the Assistant Directors at the Student Activities Office. Our office reviews all applications and either grant or deny recognition for each application. Your application is reviewed in detail first and foremost. Be prepared to address two major points: What unique value are you adding to the BU community in terms of programming or how you are representing an underserved community? What have you already been doing as an organized group?
    • We will use this rubric to evaluate whether or not the potential new group should be recommended to the Dean or not.
  5.  Mandatory club trainings: TerrierCentral, Event Planning, Treasurer Training, Anti-Hazing, and SUSIBU, are required upon receiving your recognition. Your student group will not become officially recognized until this training has been attended. If your organization fails to meet this requirement, your recognition status will be revoked.

All new Student Organizations are placed on Bay State Road under The Square. New groups may apply to change road status in April.


Application and Review timeline


  • All potential new groups will be emailed these decisions on a rolling basis whether they were approved or not.

As a potential new group, you may request a table at Splash (BU’s Activities Fair).

Once you are approved as a new Student Group you will need to complete the requirements of registered student organizations, which include:

  • Student Organization Day Training (Mid-September 2021, exact date TBD)
  • Hazing Prevention Training – you will be emailed with the details. (Only for new Bay State organizations)
  • Step Up Step In BU through BU SARP Center (Only for new Bay State organizations)

Failure to complete the training will result in your organization being denied recognition and/or funding.

If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to reach out to the Student Activities Office,