Note: All tuition rates and fees on the Summer Term website are pending approval.



College of Arts & Sciences

  • Choosing the Right Biochemistry Course: CAS CH 373 or CAS BB 421.

    CAS CH 373 is a one-semester course designed for students who do not require two semesters of biochemistry (some biological and health science majors). CAS CH 373 does not fulfill the prerequisite requirement for any second-semester biochemistry course offered at Boston University.

    CAS BB 421 is the first semester of a two-semester sequence of biochemistry. The course is designed for science concentrators who require a two-semester biochemistry sequence (chemistry, biochemistry).

    CAS BB 423 is the lecture component (no lab) of CAS BB 421.

    Principles of Biochemistry

    CAS CH 373

    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS BI 105 or CAS BI 108 or CAS NE 102 or ENG BE 209; and CAS CH 204 o r CAS CH 214 or CAS CH 212 or CAS CH 174; or equivalent. - Prereq: (CAS BI 105 or CAS BI 108 or CAS NE 102 or ENG BE 208) and (CAS CH 174 or CAS CH 204 or CAS CH 212 or CAS CH 214) or equivalent. Introductory biochemistry focusing on structure/function with applications to medicine, nutrition, and biotechnology, including acid/base chemistry, protein structure, enzyme mechanisms, thermodynamics, and kinetics; nucleic acid structure/function and information transfer, carbohydrates and carbohydrate metabolism, lipids and lipid metabolism, and bioenergetics of oxidative energy metabolism. Students must register for two sections: lecture and discussion. 4 cr. Tuition: $3260

    Summer 2 (June 30-August 8)


  • Biochemistry 1

    CAS BB 421

    Undergraduate Prerequisites : (CAS CH 204 or CAS CH 212 or CAS CH 214) and First-Year Writing Seminar (e.g., CAS WR 100 or CAS WR 120). Introductory biochemistry. Protein structure and folding, enzyme mechanisms, kinetics, and allostery; nucleic acid structure; macromolecular biosynthesis with emphasis on specificity and fidelity; lipids and membrane structure; vitamins and coenzymes; introduction to intermediary metabolism. Students must register for three sections: lecture, discussion, and a laboratory. Effective Summer 2025, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking, Teamwork/Collaboration. 4 cr. Tuition: $3260

    Summer 1 (May 20-June 27)


  • Biochemistry Lecture 1

    CAS BB 423

    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCH204 or CASCH212 or CASCH214) or equivalent. -Lecture-only biochemistry. Not acceptable for credit toward the chemistry major or minor (unless you have prior departmental approval). For students who do not require laboratory credit. 3 cr. Tuition: $2445

    Summer 1 (May 20-June 27)
