
Joey Chen (CAS’22)

Major: English | Specialty: Food Justice

Being involved in Earth House has definitely cemented my passion for sustainability and given me a community that I’m proud to be a part of. I am continually inspired by the efforts of my peers and mentors, who have so much dedication to the work they are doing, and urge me to stay committed to the causes and visions for a better future.

Earth House student with a passion for addressing injustice


I'm from Brooklyn, N.Y., and I enjoy biking and rock climbing. I’m passionate about microgreens because they are like the proletariats of vegetables—they’re little and inexpensive, but powerful and more nutrient-dense than their grown-up bourgeois counterparts.

I chose BU because I knew that I wouldn’t have to confine myself or my interests at such a large and diverse school.

After my undergraduate degree, I plan on attending law school because I am seeking to understand—and hopefully mend— the injustices I see.

BU Highlights

  • I’ve been growing and harvesting my own microgreens for fun in Earth House and teaching my friends how to grow some, too. It’s a super easy and rewarding activity. I have plans to continue to grow my own microgreens and experiment with different recipes where I can incorporate microgreens. I share my knowledge through kits and info posts on growing/eating microgreens with other BU students to help them develop it as a hobby.
  • One of the most influential classes I’ve taken at BU was the English seminar class on waste (EN 220) with Professor Otten. The readings were incredibly illuminating— they made me think about all the political, social, and economic tensions that accompany waste, and how deeply our existence is tied to waste.


Related Projects

Earth House, Sustainability Innovation Seed Grant, Zero Waste

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