Track Your Actions App

The SustainableBU app is the easiest way to make your everyday habits more sustainable—at home, work, and play. Discover how you and your friends can make small changes with big impacts, together.

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Earn Achievements

  • Find sustainable initiatives specific to BU
  • Earn points each time you Log an Action. The points correlate to the impact on your wallet and the environment
  • Easily discover new Actions by browsing various categories or searching in the app
  • Earn extra achievements when you become an expert in the field

Be Social

  • Share what you’re Buzzing to the Feed and Facebook or Twitter
  • Compete with others in Challenges
  • Encourage others by sharing what you’re doing through the app’s Feed
  • Add photos any time you Log an Action
  • Like and Comment on others’ actions
  • Follow others to be inspired by what they’re Logging

Track Your Progress

  • Career stats show you how many achievements and points you’ve earned
  • Fill up your Trophy Case