Sarah Healey

Any/All, Zero Waste Manager

Sarah oversees the zero waste program for BU Sustainability as well as Campus Planning and Operations. With a goal to be zero waste by 2030, Sarah main role is to implement and refine the strategy outlined in the BU Zero Waste Plan.

For the last 5 years Sarah has literally stood knee deep in waste. Prior to joining BU, they worked in the waste management industry supporting higher education and healthcare facilities with their waste reduction goals. Sarah has an MBA in Sustainability from the University of Vermont, where they worked on a consulting project evaluating compostable packaging for wide scale use. Sarah is a TRUE Zero Waste Advisor and has served on the leadership team of the US Composting Council’s Young Professionals. Outside of BU, Sarah serves on the Owner’s Council for the John Nagle Company, her family’s business that has been in Boston for more than 135 years.