Mobile Phones + Internet

Mobile Phones

It’s important that you have a local Australian mobile number throughout your time in Sydney.  This is essential for internships, emergencies and ease of use (making local friends!). Upon arrival, affordable contract-free pre-paid phone plans, mobile phone options, and sim cards will be available for you to purchase. If you are planning to bring a phone from home, this phone must have a sim card slot (or eSIM) and be unlocked (meaning it can be used with any network carrier) in order to use it with an Australian service provider. If your current phone is not unlocked, consider bringing an older out of contract mobile with you to Sydney. Please do not purchase an international plan through a US service provider.  As you will be required to have a local Australian number, you should consider putting your American phone contract on hold while you are away.  

Calling Codes:

  • Australia’s country code is +61
  • The US’s country code is +1
  • Dialing internationally from Australia: 0011 + country code (USA is 1) + area code + number
  • Dialing a landline in NSW Australia from US: 011 + 61 + 2 + number
  • Dialing a mobile phone in Australia from US: 011 + 61 + 4  + number

Wireless Internet

A wireless signal is available for students throughout BUSAC.  The BU Sydney Centre also includes a computer lab and library. These facilities will be open when classes are in session (generally 9AM- 8:30PM Monday- Thursday, 9AM-5PM Friday).

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