WR 152

Syllabus Checklist

This checklist includes important reminders, deadlines, links, and tips for preparing your WR syllabus. Please review this checklist before submitting your draft syllabus to ensure that your syllabus aligns with the latest Writing Program requirements. Note that this checklist is for your use only and should NOT be submitted along with your syllabus. Consult the […]

Faculty Guide to Teaching WR 120 and WR 15x

The following guide is aimed at instructors new to the CAS Writing Program and walks them through the process of preparing their courses for the first time. Note that while some sections of WR 120 are reserved for English language learners (ELLs), all WR 120s use the same learning outcomes and course requirements. Similarly, while […]

Composing a Multimodal Reflection

Prior to this activity, students need to have some form of written reflections, perhaps looking back at prior writing instruction, looking ahead and setting personal goals for themselves for this course, or otherwise considering their strengths and needs as writers. For this activity, they practice the act of remediation by translating their reflections into the […]

Building Your Syllabus (Syllabi Templates)

The Writing Program offers the following set of resources to help you build your own syllabus, rather than a single syllabus template for each level. We have broken the syllabus down into three parts, so that it is clearer which parts of our syllabi are common to all courses in the Writing Program and which […]

Cumulative Portfolios in the Writing Program

Since Fall 2023, all WR students create a portfolio in their first WR course and continue to add to it throughout subsequent WR courses. This cumulative portfolio assignment will create a shared experience for WR students, offering them a space to reflect on their growth and their developing identities as college writers and communicators over […]

WR 152 Additional Ideas and Supplemental Resources

In WR 152, students will study and compose digital multimodal or non-linguistic texts, such as movies, posters, podcasts throughout the semester. While the type of multimodal/non-linguistic text may vary from one section to another, the signature assignment of WR 152 is a remediation of the student’s academic research paper (usually 8-10 pages in length) into […]