Headshot of Chris Sedore

Chris Sedore,
Vice President & CIO

Information Services & Technology at Boston University is dedicated to providing best-in-class IT services to support outstanding education, preeminent research, vibrant campus life and effective administration. IS&T is led by Vice President and Chief Information Officer Chris Sedore and is comprised of the primary departments, described below, with over 400 employees.

To learn more about IS&T, review our Mission, Vision, and Values statement on our about page, see how technology governance works, and browse our Technology Plan. A detailed organization chart is also available.

  • AS&IR provides information, analyses, and reporting resources to the Boston University’s constituents. This includes reporting of official university data, development of data dashboards visualizations and other business intelligence resources, and administration of the University’s Data Governance Program. ... more »

  • Dedicated to supporting Boston University's mission by implementing and supporting robust, innovative, and reliable application technology solutions. Our team ensures that various enterprise applications and platforms work seamlessly to support the administrative, academic, and research functions of the university.... more »

  • An integral part of the overall BU IS&T community with a specific focus for IT support on the Medical Campus. BUMC IT also maintains strategic partnerships with core partners such as BMC and the Boston area VA... more »

  • Client Services & Support is IS&T’s primary client-facing department, and consists of five teams all dedicated to providing Best-in-Class support for the BU Community, focusing on a culture of service. ... more »

  • Made up of four groups that manage the human resource, financial, and general administrative operations for Information Services and Technology. ... more »

  • The Information Security team is responsible for the protection of sensitive information at Boston University and helping the University community understand how to secure its computing and electronic resources... more »

  • Tracks, organizes, and facilitates project management planning and project life cycles. All responsibilities of the Projects, Programs, and Governance department help IS&T perform as an efficient service provider for the BU community.... more »

  • The Research Computing Services group provides computing and visualization resources and services to support research that has specialized computation, storage, bandwidth, or graphics requirements... more »

  • Shared Infrastructure provides technical infrastructure services across the broad spectrum of BU.  These “shared” services generally support all schools and constituent groups in some manner.  Shared Infrastructure is composed of Research Computing, Infrastructure Operations, and Network Services.... more »

  • Supporting the SIS Renewal program, a dedicated, cross-functional organizational structure was with the goal to implement a Student Information System that aligns with BU’s academic mission, offering a modern and seamless experience for students, faculty, and staff.... more »