Quick Start

Available to: Prospective Students

Cost: No charge

Applicants for admission to undergraduate studies at Boston University use this service to view the latest information about their application. All aspects of the application process, including communication of an admissions decision, are handled through the Applicant Portal. The service combines the Salesforce CRM platform with ExperienceCloud, Marketing Cloud, TargetX, and a suite of supporting applications to provide various component functionality.


A one-stop information portal to the status of the application allows prospective students to keep track of their applications, check for completeness of all required materials, and, ultimately, to learn about the decision. Web-based access makes this process easy and convenient, regardless of your time zone.

Key Features

  • Self-service for applicants integrated with BU’s authentication services
  • Real-time access and instant updates
  • Dynamic content management that allows for personalized experience based on various applicant attributes such as student types, decision plans, document requirements and admission decisions.
  • Provides trackable, preference-based communication to respond to inquirers and prospective students.
  • Generates personalized, targeted communications by segmentation, including geographic region, citizenship, area of interest, decision plan and student type,
  • Tracks effectiveness of various admissions campaigns and strategies through reporting of click rate, event registration, event attendance and other measures
  • Enables more effective event management practices including notification, registration and RSVP needs, event check-in and data collection method

What to Expect

This service normally will be available 24 by 7 except for preferred maintenance windows as described by Salesforce.


  • Undergraduate applicants must first go through the application process in order obtain the BU Web Account required for access.
  • Any staff with supporting roles to this portal must go through an approval process from Enrollment & Student Administration (ENSA) before they are provisioned with appropriate access.

Getting Started