BU offers integrated email and calendaring services to all faculty and staff through Microsoft Exchange, and to all students through BU Google Mail. Access to these services is available through a number of interfaces including desktop clients, Web clients, and mobile device clients. Email messages that contain restricted-use information, such as FERPA-protected data, can be read and written with DataMotion SecureMail, a standalone service available to faculty and staff. Mailing lists and email forwarding services are also available.
Broadcast email facilitates mass distribution of approved messages to large segments of the BU community.... more »
Email hosted by Google.... more »
Microsoft's latest email and calendaring services available for both faculty and staff.... more »
IS&T offers two options for managing centrally stored mailing lists, based on Majordomo and Microsoft Exchange.... more »
Secure Email is for use by Boston University faculty and administrators who need to ensure that specific messages they send go out with the highest level of encryption.... more »