Frequently Asked Questions – BUworks Finance
Journal Entry
- How is workflow started on journal entry?
Workflow is initiated by clicking on the Save as Complete button.
- How do you park a journal entry?
To park a journal entry click on the Save button.
- What document types are used when creating a grant related entry?
Grant related document types are ZJ (Grant non-cost transfer), ZK (Grant Cost Transfer), and ZV (Grant Cost Transfer Over 90 days)
- Where can I get a list of General Ledger expense numbers?
A list of Income and Expense GL account numbers and description can be found here on the Comptroller’s resource website page.
- When creating a journal entry in transaction code FV50, I don’t see the “Document Type” field, how do I add the document type field to FV50?
Click on Editing Options button, select “Document type ready for input” to display the field on FV50 transaction.
JV Upload
- Where can I find the JV Upload file template?
Journal Entry upload template can be found here on General Accounting resource website page.
- How do I change the Internal Order number on a JV upload entry?
Use transaction code FBV2 and click on Fast Data Entry button to access the Cost Object fields.
- I need to delete a JV upload entry, how is this done?
To delete a JV upload entry use transaction code FBV0, click on Menu button, go to Document and select Delete.
- What’s the status of my JV upload file?
You can track your journal entry using transaction code FBV3 then locate the Service for Object button, select Workflow and click on Workflow Overview. Now locate the line which displays “Ready”, the user name(s) which are displayed have received the notification for approval on their Worklist tab.
Journal Entry Workflow
- How do I know where workflow stands on a entry?
Using the Services for Object button, select Workflow and click on Workflow Overview.
A step by step listing, by journal entry line item will display. An approval notification is sent to all listed approvers. To identify who has received the approval notification, locate those items marked “Ready”.
- Where can I find a list of all my parked journal entries?
The Tree On functionality allows you access to all your parked journal entries.
- Where can I find a list of all of my departments submitted requests?
User can go to transaction code S_P99_41000147 to execute a report listing of all departmental fund reservations (ISRs).
- What happens if I’ve selected the wrong provider on a request?
The ISR form will need to be re-created with the proper Internal Service Request Provider. It is important to validate the Provider name selected is correct before submitting the form.
The “wrong” Provider will need to be contacted to request the form to be charged $0 and closed by marking the ISR from as “complete”.
- How does a ISR commitment amount get relieved from the department budget line?
The commitment amount is relieved once the Provider has fulfilled and closed the ISR form. The Provider will charge against the Cost Objects listed on the ISR and will mark the form as complete to close the ISR.
- How do I update an ISR form?
There is no way to update an Internal Service Request form; therefore, ability to edit a form is not available. If there is vital information missing, contact the Provider with this information.
ISR Provider Fulfillment
- Where can I get list of contacts for Internal Service Providers?
Click here to obtain the most updating copy of internal provider email address.
- How do I bill against a ISR form?
To bill against a ISR form, go to the BUworks Central Portal and click on the Finance tab then go to the ISR Provider Fulfillment sub-tab to start the billing process. Click here for a step by step Quick Reference Guide.
- How can I get a list of requests submitted to a ISR provider?
Go to WebGUI ECC system transaction code ZFI_OPEN_ISR to execute a listing of open and/or closed ISR forms.
Click here to review Work Instructions for transaction code ZFI_OPEN_ISR
- Where can I access the template for uploading multiple ISR charges?
The Provider Fulfillment Upload template is used to bill and upload multiple ISRs at once. Click here to access the ISR Provider Fulfillment upload template.
- What happens if I’ve charged the wrong amount on a request?
If the ISR form has not been closed (“Completion Indicator” box is not checked off), a debit or credit charge (adjustment) can be made by accessing the ISR Provider Fulfillment sub-tab located in BUworks Finance tab within the BUworks Central Portal.
If the ISR form has been closed a journal entry is required to correct the wrong amount charged.
- What happens if I’ve closed the request in error and I still need to charge against the ISR?
If the ISR form has been in closed in error and billing is still required, a journal entry will need to be made to charge the Cost Objects listed on the form.
- What happens if the requester created the ISR form in error?
The requester will need to contact the Provider and request for the ISR form to be charged $0 amount and then closed by clicking on the “Completion Indicator” box.
Fund Reservation
- Where can I get a list of departmental funds reserved?
Go to transaction code S_P99_41000147 (Earmark Journal) to execute a listing of all reserved funds.
- How do I reduce the total amount reserved?
The total amount reserved by line item can be reduced using transaction code FMX2. Enter the changed amount on the “Overall Amount” field and click the “Save” button.
- How are reserved funds depleted?
To reduce the reserved funds use transaction code FMX6. Enter the an amount on the “reduction amt” field and a description on the “reduction text” field, then click the “Save” button.
- How can I tell how much funds have been consumed?
To access and display what has been consumed on the funds reserved, go to transaction code FMX3 and enter the Earmark fund document number then click on the “Consumption” button. A listing of reduction document entries will display.
- How often should manual funds be reconciled?
It is suggested that you reconcile your manual funds regularly (weekly or bi-weekly), depending on the level of activity on the account. Note, it is highly recommended that the reconciliation process occur at least on a quarterly bases.
This will ensure the most accurate budget projection. These figures can be utilized during yearly budget submission, quarterly confirmations or when a request is made from financial directors or chairs.
PO Invoice Workflow
- How do I review a PO Invoice Entry?
Go to transaction code MIR4 to display the purchase order invoice entry in the system. This transaction code will display the shopping cart information associated with the vendor invoice entry.
- How do I view invoice payment information?
Transaction code FB03 displays invoice entry information. Double click on the “vendor line item” to display the payment document number. To view check information, double click on the payment document number, click the Menu button, then go to Settings and select Check Information. If a payment document number does not display then the vendor invoice entry hasn’t gone through the “Payment System” yet.
- Where can I get a physical copy of the vendor invoice that was entered into the SAP system?
Contact Accounts Payable at to request for a copy of the vendor invoice.