Researchers on the SCC can connect to remote file systems on the BU network for the purpose of transferring data. The steps to connect to these shares will depend on how the remote system exports the data share. Two common protocols and associated applications are described on this page.

  1. Windows SMB/CIFS Shares (e.g. IS&T NAS1, BUMC-IT Y-Drive)
  2. Network File System "NFS" Shares (e.g. Linux Systems, ENGNAS)
RCS recommends copying data from the remote file system to your SCC Project Space for faster data access in batch jobs.

Windows SMB/CIFS Shares

Windows SMB/CIFS shares on the BU network can be accessed from the SCC using either graphical file browsers or command line utilities. This is commonly used to connect to shares on the IS&T Network File Storage ( and BUMC Y-Drive services, but the same approach may be applied to other remote data shares.

Network File System (“NFS”) Shares

Network File System ("NFS") shares on the BU network can be accessed from the SCC using the automounter. The automounter utility is used to mount appropriately configured NFS shares from remote systems to the /net/ directory on the SCC so that data can be transferred to and from the SCC. This utility is always available on the SCC and a researcher need only navigate to the mount point to access the data. At BU, common NFS shares include the lab workstations and the ENGNAS.