Coffee and Conversation: November 3, 2023

Topic: Things You Wish You Could Say To Your Institution For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, we are continuing our “Things You Wish You Could Say To ….” series. Last week we discussed what our audience wishes they could share with their institution about academic life, financial aid, sense of belonging, and other resources. This week, we are […]

Coffee and Conversation: October 27, 2023

Topic: Things You Wish You Could Say To Your Institution For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, we are continuing our “Things You Wish You Could Say To ….” series. Last week we discussed what our audience wishes they could share with their parents about college life, mental health, relationships, and their upbringing. This week, we would like to […]

Coffee and Conversation: September 29, 2023

Topic: College Admissions Practices For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, We are discussing college admissions! As we prepare for Thumbs On The Scale: Race & Legacy in College Admissions on October 3rd at 6pm, co-hosted by BU Wheelock, Newbury Center, and the HTC, we thought it be fitting to start the discussion here. What was your college […]

Coffee and Conversation: September 15, 2023

Topic: Self Identity and Self Exploration For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, as we wrap a week of exploration, collaboration, and community building at the HTC Affinity Receptions, join us this Friday for a dialogue on ways you are learning to navigate your identities in college. Attending college can often present the opportunity to emerge into a different […]

Coffee & Conversation: March 31, 2023

Topic: Florida’s New Bill and Its Effect on Higher Education For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, we will discuss a new Florida education bill (HB 999) which would build on Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to restrict teaching about race and gender in Florida’s public universities. This bill would also force other state colleges to shut […]

Coffee & Conversation: Feb. 10, 2023

Topic: The Censorship of school curricula in the U.S. This week for Coffee & Conversation we’ll be discussing how some state and local officials are working to ban diversity and inclusion initiatives at universities, as well as how K-12 book bans affect higher education. “At least 17 states have introduced bills containing gag orders or taken […]

Coffee & Conversation: Nov. 18, 2022

Topic: The acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk Elon Musk completed the deal to acquire Twitter on October 28th, and since that time Musk “has laid off half its workforce; alienated powerful advertisers; blown up key aspects of its product, then repeatedly launched and un-launched other features aimed at compensating for it; and witnessed an […]

Coffee & Conversation: Nov. 4, 2022

Topic: Kanye and where we draw the line with celebrities’ controversial actions. Suggested Readings:  The Self-Destruction of Kanye West  – (New York Times) Kanye West’s celebrity gives his brazen antisemitism a more toxic power, reach – (The Los Angeles Times)  

Coffee & Conversation: Oct. 14, 2022

Topic: How Do You Define Wellbeing? For this week’s Coffee & Conversation, we’ll be discussing mental health and wellbeing practices.  Resources:  Student health services – Behavioral medicine Student Wellbeing  – Campus Resources