Category: Commencement

Mario Vargas Llosa Keynote

March 4th, 1992 in Commencement

Renowned Peruvian novelist and politician Mario Vargas Llosa delivered the Keynote Address at Commencement and urged more than 5,000 graduating Boston University students to go out into the world and make a difference by upholding liberty and fighting against discrimination and violence of all kinds.

“This great university, your alma mater, is an example of the best that our culture has to offer. It has equipped you to face great obstacles in many areas. Stand up to the occasion, and make the world a better place.”—Mario Vargas Llosa

Eduard A. Shevardnadze Keynote

March 4th, 1991 in Commencement

Eduard A. Shevardnadze, the former Soviet Foreign Minister, told Boston University graduates during his Commencement Address that the Cold War had promoted a national psychosis in both the United States and the Soviet Union because "we were capable of destroying all life on Earth." As a result of having survived that War, "the Soviet and Americans are very close to each other spiritually in how they visualize common human horizons," he said, speaking through a translator.

Louis W. Sullivan Keynote

March 4th, 1990 in Commencement

The Honorable Louis W. Sullivan, secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services and BUSM alumnus, addresses the graduates at Commencement.

Sesquicentennial Commencement

March 3rd, 1989 in Campus, Commencement

Sesquicentennial Commencement Speakers receiving honorary degrees are President of the United States George H. W. Bush and Francois Mitterrand, president of the French Republic. Also receiving an honorary degree at Commencement is First Lady Barbara Bush, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany at the Overseas Program's 25th anniversary commencement in Heidelberg.

Professor Carlo Rubbia Keynote

March 3rd, 1988 in Commencement

Nobel Laureate and Professor Carlo Rubbia delivers the keynote address at Commencement. Rubbia, together with Simon van der Meer, received the 1984 Nobel Laureate in Physics.

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Speaks to Graduates

March 3rd, 1987 in Commencement

Ignoring a sprinkling of protesters during Commencement, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court William H. Rehnquist urges graduates to value and use their spare time wisely.

"Time is a wasting asset, and most of us realize it only too late to avoid spending a lot of it unwisely. Like any free-market economist, you ought then to look at what else might be done with the marginal few hours at the end of the week that aren't really necessary to earning a living."—William H. Rehnquist

John Silber Keynote

March 3rd, 1986 in Commencement

President John Silber delivers the Keynote Address at Commencement.

Nicholas Gage Keynote

March 3rd, 1985 in Commencement

Boston University alumnus and best-selling author Nicholas Gage delivers the Keynote Address at Commencement.

Brand Blanshard Keynote

March 3rd, 1984 in Commencement

Philosopher and writer Brand Blanshard delivers the Keynote Address at Commencement.

Dan Rather Keynote

March 3rd, 1983 in Commencement

Dan Rather, journalist and news anchor of the CBS Evening News, delivers the Keynote Address at Commencement.