• John O’Rourke

    Editor, BU Today

    John O'Rourke

    John O’Rourke began his career as a reporter at The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. He has worked as a producer at World Monitor, a coproduction of the Christian Science Monitor and the Discovery Channel, and NBC News, where he was a producer for several shows, including Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie CouricNBC Nightly News, and The Today Show. John has won many awards, including four Emmys, a George Foster Peabody Award, and five Edward R. Murrow Awards. Profile

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There are 3 comments on BU’s Winning Olympians

    1. Thanks for pointing out the accomplishment of Kedzie and the USA Quidditch team, Almond. Unfortunately though, Quidditch is not an official Olympic sport (yet!), and this article was about those who won medals in the official London 2012 Olympic Games.

      But we at BU Today love us some Quidditch! And when we found out that Kedzie would be heading to London as a member of USA’s Quidditch team to compete in the Quidditch Summer Games in Oxford, England (a few weeks before, but not part of the Olympics), we made sure to tell the story.

      You can read our story here:

  1. This makes even more proud to call myself a fellow Terrier. Thank you for acknowledging our own BU Olympians. It really inspires a new generation. My friends and I made a video reenacting the London 2012 games as a tribute to the Fierce Five (Gabby, Kyla, McKayla, Jordyn, and Aly). If you would like to watch to support our countries performance in London, the video is at this link: http://goo.gl/GLgT6

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