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There are 13 comments on A New Approach to College Drinking

  1. The last item – noting that students start drinking immediately upon arrival at college – suggests to me that some effort to address these issues while the students are in high school may be more important. Trying to shield high school students from guidance about alcohol use and abuse leads to the new discovery that also comes with the new freedom, living away from home for the first time in many cases.

  2. As a recent grad, I think that an app would be a great tool for students to have. Given how nearly everyone has a phone on them, it would be subtle enough to not make the student seem “uncool” around their peers. It would be similar to a tool like MyFitnessPal in how it helps you become more aware of what you’re consuming.

  3. This whole article feels ridiculous to me. Binge drinking in college is a symptom of a greater problem, which is that the high drinking age makes it nearly impossible for teenagers to learn healthy drinking habits in their own homes unless their parents choose to break the law. So kids end up being sheltered by default only to cut loose when they move away from home for the first time.

    1. Impossible to learn healthy drinking habits in their own homes unless their parents choose to break the law? Really? So—no learning by example, huh? They can’t see their parents drinking responsibly (or irresponsibly) and figure it out? They can’t see other people out in society doing the same thing and do the math? I get that everyone’s body chemistry is different, but this is the most ludicrous thing I’ve heard in a while. Heaven help these poor students if they can only learn by doing and never by example. (And heaven forbid that anyone assume that maybe—gasp—NOT drinking is a viable option in life!)

      1. Binge drinking can be a serious problem, no doubt about it. But it’s complex & not easily reduced to, or solved by, simple solutions. Making a fetish of an app to address the problem is simplistic & unlikely to be very effective. Though every little bit helps, I suppose, one must ask: will people read the message while driving & thus create additional hazards?

        Observing drinking & its effects is not the same as actually consuming alcohol. Experience is the best teacher, & as John notes, a high age for legal drinking deprives young people of that teaching. They’re more likely to learn about drinking from peers than from parents, let alone thru formal educational efforts.

  4. +1 @John

    The worst problem is in social mores that treat as normal a degree of intoxication that I personally hate to experience and rarely have in the decades since I became a legal alcohol drinker. The whole “designated driver” mixed-message furthers the message that drunk is normal, and suggests no one can enjoy a social drink responsibly enough to drive. The net is that (male?) college students think it normal that drunken weekends are “good living.”

    Why would any human consider this self-anaethesia to be “living” is beyond me. It’s a tragic avoidance of actually living.

    I too feel the 21-year-old drinking age has worsened the problem. It continues to infantilize our these students in this and many other aspects of life where they need to practice adulthood in order to achieve adulthood. I also worry legal alcohol limits for driving may be needlessly stringent, but I can hardly judge limits I’ve never transgressed.

    I am very certain @John is wrong, however, about it being illegal to give one’s children alcohol at home. My wife and I have taught and demonstrated drinking in moderation to all our children, while warning them of the consequences of excess. We have alcoholics in both our families and cite them as cautions. We have believed this been helping them enjoy alcohol responsibly as adults. Time will tell.

    In the meantime, teach real character based on transcendent values regarding authentic human nature and all the infantilizing gadgets and apps will be unnecessary.

    Andrew Wolfe

  5. Gee, when I went to college, people who couldn’t count how many beers they drank in a night didn’t seem to get accepted; or perhaps they just flunked out after the first term.

  6. An app to monitor my drinking? Great, so I can be on my phone even more when I’m out with my friends. Students don’t need more apps, they need more knowledge and control. I agree with John, but I’ll add on that the reason a majority of students drink is to create a social lubricant that only exists under the influence of alcohol, and part of the problem is that most pupils rely on the world of telecommunication to initiate conversation with other students of potential romantic interest.

    By making an app you are only feeding the problem, think about it. Just because that’s what students are doing, doesn’t mean that’s what students need.

    Additionally, there are lessons to be learned from over consumption of alcohol, some more harsh than others, unfortunately.

  7. I read the report, and it’s very well written. Can you provide examples of the types of texts that would be effective when geo-targeting?
    Keep up the good work. I might add that adults of drinking age could benefit from these apps too.

  8. Wolfe has made the most inteligent comment. Children should learn what to drink, how much to drink at home where these norms are part of the “package” of learned appropriate behavior in diverse contexts. Further, regarding this short essay is the conspicuous absence of any reference to servers,e.g,bartenders and irresponsible hosts who enable excessive behavior including alcohol consumption. There must be other ways for a youth to be “cool” than getting drunk. Finally “booze” is not cheap, where does the money to purchase it come from ?

  9. If the drinking age was lowered and teenagers were allowed to have a beer or glass of wine casually at meals like dinner without the judgmental views of society or the law reigning down on them, they would progressively learn and be exposed, and come college, would not be in this rebellious “I have to drink like crazy now because I was never allowed to drink before” phase that puts a significant amount of people in harm’s way. Obviously there will be some people who have drinking problems regardless. The drinking should be lowered, and parents should, if they feel it is acceptable, expose their children to drinking at the appropriate age (preferably in high school).

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