Program Information

The Upward Bound Math and Science program is designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in math and science and ultimately careers in the math and science profession.

Services provided by the program include: Exposure to academic programs and cultural events, hands-on STEM activities, instruction in reading, writing, study skills, and other subjects necessary for success in education beyond high school, academic, financial, or personal counseling, tutorial services, mentoring programs, information on post-secondary education opportunities, assistance in completing college entrance and financial aid applications, assistance in preparing for college entrance exams, and information on the full range of Federal Student Financial Aid programs and benefits.

Download a UBMS Program Flyer


    During the academic year students  attend two hours of class and two hours of study hall after school each week.  Classes and study hall are held at Boston University.  At the beginning of the fall and spring semester students select their class subject and study hall schedule.  Afterschool classes include MCAS prep  (ELA, Math, Biology, and Physics), SAT Prep (Math and Reading) and a Senior Workshop.  Additionally, students participate in hands-on science and math classes during February and April school vacation weeks.  Topics vary each year and have included:  Robotics, Video Game Design, Green Chemistry, Green Business, Engineering, Astronomy,  Geology, and Bio-statistics.

    During the summer students reside on the Boston University campus for 6-weeks (Sundays-Fridays).  During this time they take 6 classes:  Math (Algebra 1 – Calculus), Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology), Writing, Literature, Test Preparation or Lain, and Computer Science.  In addition, Students participate in 1 full day lab course each week taught by BU faculty and graduate Students.  Lab topics vary each summer and have included:  Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Green energy, Bio-statistics, Engineering, Astronomy,  and Laboratory Biology.  In the evening students work on an additional science themed team project.


    During the summer program, each student participates in a weekly activity such as basketball, soccer, volley ball, arts & crafts, or strength and conditioning. Some summers students have also had the opportunity to participate in a Mock Trial, Yoga, and Self-Defence classes.

    Each summer as part of their literature classes students read a Shakespeare play and the program takes students to see a live performance of the play.

    Some summers conclude with an end of summer trip.  Most recently teh programs visited Washington D.C. where students had the opportunity to visit The National Mall, White House, Georgetown University, and The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.  The program also visited sites in New York City in 2016 and 2010 as well as Washington, DC in 2017.

    Other recent events have included:  international potlucks, summer field day, staff vs. student basketball, a Celtics game, bowling, horseback riding, kayaking, the ballet, the theater, Cirque du Soleil and college visits.