Information Center

HTML parameters

The most useful HTML parameters are described below. Use the Additional Parameters tab on the Advanced Options window of the Deployment Wizard to add these parameters to your deployment file.

Name: AdditionalArchives
Values: Names of Java 1 or Java 2 archives, without file extensions (.cab or .jar), separated by commas. For example, if the archives are the following Java 1 archives:

myCustomForNetscape.jar myCustomForMozilla.jar then you should specify them like this: myCustomForNetscape,myCustomForInternetExplorer,myCustomForMozilla Description: This HTML parameter causes the Host On-Demand client code to download the named Java archives file from the Host On-Demand server's publish directory to the workstation. This parameter works: You must place the Java archives in the Host On-Demand publish directory. Be aware that the archives will be downloaded every time a user connects to the HTML file.

Name: Allow special alpha characters entering into "Numeric" Only field

This new enhancement allows you to enter special alpha characters on numeric only field on 3270 sessions. This is helpful where a 3270 application can accept special characters and numeric values to process user requests. This is not enabled by default. To enable this feature, add the following HTML parameter with values given below:

Name: UseSpecialCharsIn3270NumericField
Values: Any Special characters or even alphabets that need to be treated as numeric characters on numeric only fields on 3270 sessions.

If you want the characters !, @, #,$,%,^ and so on to be entered on numeric only fields, then the list of characters can be specified as the value for the above HTML Parameter. It is assumed that the Numeric Field Lock is selected for this feature to be enabled.

Name: AltScreenSize
Value: nnxnn which represents row by column
Description: This parameter allows you to specify screen sizes for 3270 sessions.

Application Data Directory for Host On-Demand Data

The Administrator can configure Host On-Demand to store the cached client and user data in the Application Data directory of Windows clients. Normally on Windows clients, Host On-Demand puts data under the "Documents and Settings\<user name> \" directory. However, if the Application Data directory support is enabled, Host On-Demand will use the "Documents and Settings >user name<\Application Data\IBM\HostOnDemand\" directory for both the cached client and user preferences.

A new HTML parameter has been added to support this feature:

Name - UseAppData:
If the value is "true", the cached client will be installed at the Application Data directory of Windows clients.

Name: ArabicTerm
Value: Alis and DEC
Description: This parameter allows you to enable Alis Specs in an Arabic VT 7-bit session. With Alis specs, you get the following behavior

  1. GLCC characters switching between Arabic/Latin Layer 

Host On-Demand uses the character "}" for switching to Arabic layer and " { " for switching to Latin. A new line switches back to the default layer regardless of which switching character is used in the previous line. In other words, in LTR screen a new line will switch to Latin layer and in RTL screen a new line will switch to Arabic layer. 

  1. New escape sequences for screen reverse 

The screen reverse escape sequence will be introduced as " <ESC> [1;1 ~ "escape sequence. 

  1. Suppression of the GLCC characters while display special characters "}" , "{" will be shown as an empty space. 

The default value is DEC.

Name: AssociateEmbeddedMenuBar
Value: true or false
Description: This HTML parameter allows embedded Host On-Demand sessions running as portlets to display a menu bar. Host On-Demand ignores this parameter for sessions that are not portlets. Users must be running a Windows operating system and have a Java 2-enabled browser in order to use this HTML parameter.

The default value is true.

Name: AutoBackOff
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to uninstall a cached client update and restore a previous version on the cached client. Using this parameter you can uninstall the Host On-Demand server, reinstall a previous version, then force the cached clients to go back to this older version.

The default value is false.

Name: AutoStartJavaConsole
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to prevent the Java console from starting automatically when using DebugCachedClient="true" with the Web Start client. If you set the value to false, the Java console for the Web Start client will not start automatically even if the HTML parameter DebugCachedClient is also specified with a value of true.

The default value is true.

Name: CertKeyUsage
Description: This parameter can be used to filter the list of personal certificates when server is requesting a client certificate for client authentication.

For example: If CertKeyUsage=DigitalSignature is defined, only Digital Signature certificates defined in the key usage field show up in the list of available certificates when "Browser or Security Device" is selected as the source. The nine key usages that can be defined in a certificate are:

Name: CMS ZipPrint Support

This support allows you to print the CMS files available on the VM/CMS system using ZipPrint. This feature works only for the VM/CMS system and not work for MVS/TSO or CICS systems.

Note: This feature does not provide Bidi, DBCS or Thai support. Also, the associated menu items and messages are in English only.

A new HTML parameter has been added for enabling/disabling this feature:

Name - EnablePrintCMSFile:
If the value is "true", the option File->ZipPrint->Print CMS File will be available in the menu, and will allow you to use ZipPrint for print the CMS files.

Name: Copy / paste from Host On-Demand session to field orientated application (3270 screen)

This new enhancement allows you to copy text as a table from a 3270 session screen. The table is created based on input fields. As a result, when text copied as a table is pasted into an Excel sheet, and data from every subsequent input field is pasted in a new column. The prerequisite for the feature to work properly is that the field arrangement needs to be the same across all rows that are selected for copying. Please note this works only in SBCS environment.

Use the following HTML parameter to enable this feature.

Name: CopyFieldsAsTable
Value: true or false

To use this feature, set the above HTML parameter. Select the option Edit->CopyAsTable in the session. By default, if the HTML parameter is not entered, the feature is disabled.

Name: Customizing the "Play Macro" and "Record Macro" panels

The lockMacroSaveLocations and RemovecurrentSessionOption HTML parameters allow you to customize the Play or Record Macro panel.

Using the HTML parameter lockMacroSaveLocations allows the administrator to add macro locations to that particular Host On-Demand client. This HTML parameter takes input as a string. The value for this parameter is the location/path that appears in the Macro Location. If the administrator decides to add more than one location or path, it is a list of locations separated by semicolon. Also, if both path name and Path have to be specified, the path name should appear first and the path should be separated by a '*' character.

Using the HTML parameter RemovecurrentSessionOption allows the administrator to exclude the "CurrentSession" option appearing in the MacroLocation list. Possible values are true or false. The default value is true. If the value is set to true, "currentSession" appears in the macro Locations list. If the value is set to false, the current Session does not appear in the macro Location.

Refer to Playing a macro or Recording a macro for more information.

Name: CustomKeyFunctionX
Value: function identifier|function data
Description: This HTML parameter customizes the list of functions that a key or key combination can be mapped to using Keyboard Remap.

Keyboard Remap allows you to remap key functions by selecting the key you want to remap, then selecting the new function you want that key to perform. The list of available key functions is limited, by default, to a set of predefined key functions; however, you can customize this list with additional functions. When this file is loaded, you can go to the Keyboard Remap window, choose Custom Functions from the Category list, and your custom functions will appear in the list for you to map to a key.

Here is an example of parameters that add key functions to display, respectively, a character that you cannot normally display, automate a login with user ID and password, and automate a logout.

Name: CustomKeyFunction1 Value: Ctrl-A|^A
Name: CustomKeyFunction2 Value: Login|myuserid[tab]mypw[enter]
Name: CustomKeyFunction3 Value: Logout|logout[enter]

The value for the NAME field is always CustomKeyFunctionX, where X is the ordinal of the defined function. Host On-Demand iterates through the custom key function list, starting with 1 and continuing until no CustomKeyFunction value is found.

You must begin with CustomKeyFunction1 and continue in increments of 1. If the list is broken, for example, skips from CustomKeyFunction2 to CustomKeyFunction4, all values after CustomKeyFunction2 are discarded.

The VALUE consists of both the function identifier to the left side of the | and the function data to the right. The identifier displays in the Keyboard Remap function list box. The data is what the emulator processes when the remapped key is pressed.

There are three rules to keep in mind when encoding the value field.

Name: CustomTable
Value: text file name
Description: For each session that you create or edit in Deployment Wizard, this HTML parameter allows you to specify character mapping tables that translate between local (client) and host code, facilitating interaction between users and the host application. You can create four different types of mapping tables: You create these tables as text files and store them in the Host On-Demand Publish Directory (or your alternate publish directory, if you have already designated a different publish directory on your Web server). To add the tables as HTML parameters for a session, you simply input parameter and file name in the appropriate fields of the Advanced Options window:

Your custom table files can contain any number of tables, in any combination of type (keyboard, display, etc.). The file format is similar to that of Java properties files. For example (lines starting with # are comments; variables n and N are hexadecimal values):

##### Start of file
# Map Local nn to EBCDIC NN in keyboard table

# Map EBCDIC NN to Local nn in display table

# Map Local nn to EBCDIC NN in 3270 file transfer upload table

# Map EBCDIC NN to Local nn in 3270 file transfer download table
##### End of file

Note that the CustomTable parameter applies to the single-byte character set (SBCS) only.

Name: DBCS support for CustomTable
Value: (NOTE: please add value here; not sure based on description)
Description: In earlier versions of Host On-demand, the CustomTable parameter applied to the single-byte character set (SBCS) only. Starting in Version 10.0.4, the CustomTable also applies to the double-byte character set (DBCS) except for File upload and File download.

Name: DBCS Support in 5250 Unicode Field on SBCS Session
Currently DBCS characters in 5250 Unicode fields are displayed correctly only when the session is configured with a DBCS host code page, like Japanese 939. If you want Host On-Demand to display DBCS characters in 5250 Unicode fields on a session configured with an SBCS host code page, like US 037, you can do so by using the new HTML Parameter useDBCSInDBCSUnicodeField.

Possible values for this parameter include the following:

True: Display DBCS characters in 5250 Unicode fields even on a session configured with an SBCS host code page.

False: Display DBCS characters in 5250 Unicode fields only on a session configured with a DBCS host code page. This is the default value.

Name: DebugCode
Value: 65535
Description: This HTML parameter turns on debug tracing for the client.

Name: Disable
Values: lum
Description: This HTML parameter disables the license use counting feature.

Setting the value of this parameter to lum disables license use counting and reporting for the particular HTML file. By default, the Host On-Demand client sends a report to the configuration server when a session is launched and periodically while the session is open. (The client requires direct port access to the configuration server for its reporting.) The Host On-Demand server uses the reports to maintain a count of connected clients. If you specify the lum value for the Disable parameter, then the Host On-Demand client does not send these reports.

Name: Disable Host On-Demand menu bar
This new enhancement to the Host On-Demand menu options enables you to disable the entire Host On-Demand menu. Use the following HTML parameter:

Name: disableHODMenuBar

Possible Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Set the value to true to remove the HOD menu bar.

Name: DisableSupport
Value: true
Description: This HTML parameter causes the Support option of the Help menu item for the Session window to be disabled. This is useful in cases where customers do not wish to have their users contacting IBM support directly. A related parameter, SupportHTML, can be used to specify an alternate set of text to display when the user selects the Help/Support option.

Name: DoNotPrefillUser html parameter
When using the configuration server-based model and logging on to Host On-Demand, this parameter can be used to prevent having the Userid field be automatically prefilled with the client system logon userid. Possible values for this parameter include the following:
True: The Userid field in the Host On-Demand logon panel is not prefilled.

False: The Userid field in the Host On-Demand logon panel is prefilled with the client system logon userid. This is the default value.

Name: Enable26LineVT
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to select an additional screen size of 26 lines for VT sessions.

Name: EnableVTFunctionKeypad
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to change the Host On-Demand Keypad for VT to have the F1 - F8 keys.

Name: Extend Save HTML parameter
Description: This new enhancement allows you to specify or modify the default Host On-demand cached client install path and the location for saving user preferences. This can be achieved by with the following HTML parameters:

Name: CachedClientDirectoryName

Value: Directory location

Description: This HTML parameter allows the customer to = specify the=20 directory location where the cached client will be installed. You can = input=20 the Environment variable or Relative path or Absolute path. Here is = the=20 syntax:

Host On Demand already provides following HTML parameter for = specifying a=20 base location for storing user preferences.

Name: Save

Value: directory location

Description: This HTML parameter is for the HTML-based and = Combined=20 models only. This parameter specifies the base directory location = where local=20 user preferences are stored. If the directory does not exist Host = On-Demand=20 displays an error message.

Name: ForceJREInstall
Value: true
Description: This HTML parameter is used in the following situation:

Normally in this situation, the Host On-Demand client displays a pop-up message that offers the user the choice of either downloading the IBM Java 2 plug-in Version 1.4 for Windows or using the Java 1 version of the Host On-Demand cached client.

If you set this parameter to true, the Host On-Demand client will not display the pop-up message but instead will immediately display the window that allows the user to download the IBM Java 2 plug-in version 1.4 for Windows.

For more information, see When the Client Java level is Java 2

Name: ForceUpgradeLogic
Value: true or false
Description: There are a set of upgrade control options that Administrators can set in the Deployment Wizard. Currently, if a new jar is added into the preload list then Host On Demand automatically ignores these upgrade options and downloads the jar. If you have set upgrade options and want Host On Demand to honor these options, even if a new jar is included in the preload list, you can do so using this parameter.

Name: ForceJava2
Value: false, true, Sunw.x.y_z, or IBM
Description: When this parameter is used, all Java 2 detection is bypassed and the Host On-Demand web page is built assuming that a Java 2 plug-in is available. Possible values for this parameter include the following:

All Java 2 detection proceeds as before.
Page is generated using the default Java 2 plug-in.
Page is generated using the Sun plug-in of version w.x.y_z. For example, a value of Sun1.4.1_02 uses the version 1.4.1, service release 2.

Note that the page is generated in such a way that Internet Explorer tries to fetch the plug-in from the Sun website if it is not already installed. If an invalid version is specified, the page is generated as if the value were set to "true".

Page is generated using a version of 1.4.0. The page is generated in such a way that the current IBM plug-in is downloaded and installed from the Host On-Demand web server, if it is not already installed on the client.

The default value is false.

Name: GenericLogonFailureMsg
Value: true or false
Description: For config server model, this parameter with a value of "true" changes the logon failed message which previously said whether the userid was bad or the password was bad to just say "Logon failed"

The default value is false.

Name: HidePort990Msg
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to prevent error messages when using port 990 for secure FTP connections. If the value is set to true, the port 990 error message is never displayed.

Name: UseHodCDRA1399
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter allows you to enable Host On-Demand to use the same conversion table as IBM Personal Communications when it is set as false for Japanese codepages 1390 and 1399. The default is false. See Japanese information for more information.

Name: IgnoreWellKnownTrustedCAs
Value: true
Description: This HTML parameter prevents Host On-Demand from loading the WellKnownTrustedCAs.class/.p12 file.

Name: IPMonitor
Value: SessionName=My Session,TraceFile=c:\MyDirectory\trace.trc

Description: This HTML parameter allows the session to be started automatically with the IPMonitor utility. The IPMonitor utility traces and saves the data flowing between the client and the host. To start the session with IPMonitor: For more information see Configuring IPMonitor v1.0, automatic mode.

Name: JVMMinimum
Value: An integer with a value of 3165 or greater.
Description: This HTML parameter specifies a required minimum version level for the Microsoft Java 1 JVM used by Microsoft Internet explorer.

Host On-Demand requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer run a Microsoft Java 1 JVM level of 3165 or greater. However, by default Host On-Demand does not check the Java 1 JVM level of Internet Explorer.

If you include the JVMMinimum parameter, then the Host On-Demand client code does not start a session on Internet Explorer unless the level of the Java 1 JVM of Internet Explorer is equal to or greater than the value specified by JVMMinimum.

You can set the level to 3165 or higher. For example, if you set the value to 3240, then Host On-Demand does not start a session on Internet Explorer unless the level of the Java 1 JVM of Internet Explorer is equal to or higher than 3240.

Name: PCCodePageForEHLLAPI
Value: Value of PC Codepage used by the EHLLAPI application. Examples are Cp437 or Cp1252 or Cp037
Description: For each Host On-Demand display session, this HTML parameter configures the Java Encoding set (PC code page) that is to be used to map Strings from the application to appropriate host codes on the PC for an EHLLAPI application. Host On Demand requires that the international version of Java 2 JRE should be installed in the client PC for this feature to work properly. In order to install the international version of JRE, user must choose the support for additional languages option in customized installation of the JRE. The international version (which includes the lib/charsets.jar file) of JVM supports all encodings. Please refer the following link for more information on Java Encoding sets,

Name: PreserveAppendEOFChar
Value: yes
Description: This HTML parameter applies to 3270 Display sessions and 5250 Display sessions. If you specify this parameter with a value of yes, then Host On-Demand preserves an EOF character (x'1A') at the end of a file to which a downloaded file is being appended, by moving the EOF character to a position immediately after the appended data.

This HTML parameter is used in the following circumstances:

Normally, when PreserveAppendEOFChar is not specified (this is the default situation) or is set to no (same effect as default situation), then Host On-Demand:

But if you specify PreserveAppendEOFChar with a value of yes, then Host On-Demand:

For more information see the tables in Treatment of EOF character (x'1A') during file download in Text mode . For 3270 Display sessions, the HTML parameter RemoveEOFChar=yes overrides PreserveAppendEOFChar=yes. See RemoveEOFChar .

Name: RemoveEOFChar
Value: yes
Description: When this HTML parameter is set to yes, it applies only to 3270 Display sessions. If you specify this parameter with a value of yes, then for 3270 Display sessions only, Host On-Demand deletes an EOF character (x'1A') from the end of a file being downloaded and, if APPEND is specified in the Receive Text Options, also deletes x'1A' from the end of the existing file being appended to.

This HTML parameter is used in the following circumstances:

Normally, when RemoveEOFChar is not specified (this is the default situation) or is set to no (same effect as default situation), then for both 3270 Display sessions and 5250 Display sessions, Host On-Demand does not delete x'1A' when it occurs as the last character of a file being downloaded.

But if you specify RemoveEOFChar with a value of yes, then for 3270 Display sessions only, Host On-Demand takes the following actions:

For more information see the tables in Treatment of EOF character (x'1A') during file download in Text mode . For 3270 Display sessions, the HTML parameter RemoveEOFChar=yes overrides PreserveAppendEOFChar=yes. See PreserveAppendEOFChar .

Name: Save
Value: directory location
Description: This HTML parameter is for the HTML-based and Combined models only. This parameter specifies the base directory location where local user preferences are stored. If the directory does not exist Host On-Demand displays an error message.

Valid Save directories

Examples of valid Save directories are as follows:

The Save directory is only a base location for storing user preferences. Preferences will be stored in the following subdirectories within the Save directory (these folders are created dynamically): user login/profile ID/HODData/web page name.

Name: SaveCertificate
Value: true or false
Description: On SSL client authentication using browser or security device, the certificate selected in the Client Auth GUI will not be updated in the session properties object and thus not saved for any model. Value other than false will persist the certificate selection.

The default value is true.

Name: ServerNameOverride
Value: Determines the installation directory for the Host On-Demand Java 2 cached client or Web Start client instead of the hostname.
Description: This parameter allows you to have separate instances of cached client for different levels of Host On-Demand even if they all reside on the same server with same IP address.

Name: SetDetectTimer
Value: Value is in seconds
Description: This parameter allows the administrator to control the period of time used to detect whether the Java 2 plug-in is installed on the client. In certain cases, the client might require more time to detect the presence of the Java 2 plug-in. For example, if the client is using a dialup connection to the Host On-Demand web server. Use this parameter if clients are falsely reporting that the plug-in is not installed. The default is 15 seconds and a value of 0 indicates an infinite period of time.

Name: ShareCachedClient
Value: true
Description: This HTML parameter enables users on Windows 2000 and 2003, and Windows XP multi-user machines, using either Internet Explorer with the Microsoft Java 1 JVM or else a browser with a Java 2 plug-in, to share a single image of the cached client. The first sharing user downloads a single copy of the cached client code. Subsequent sharing users run or update the same single copy of the cached client code, without requiring a full download.

If you have users who are Restricted Users, see Cached client support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP for more information on using this parameter.

Name: SharedCachedDirectory
Value: fully qualified path
Description: This HTML parameter allows the customer to specify the directory location where the cached client will be installed

For users who are running Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating systems and either Internet Explorer with the Microsoft JVM or a browser with a Java 2 plug-in, administrators can now specify the install directory of the shared cached client instead of accepting the default location of %SystemRoot%\Documents and Settings\All Users. You must give Read, Modify, and Write access to this directory. Host On-Demand ignores the SharedCachedDirectory parameter unless the ShareCachedClient is set to true.

You must provide a fully qualified path of the directory where you want to install the cached client, for example, c:\Program Files\IBM. The Host On-Demand cached client appends IBMHOD\HODCC to this string.

Name: SkipConfigProperties
Value: true
Description: This HTML parameter prevents the reading of HTML parameters from the file.

Any parameters in the file (in the Host On-Demand publish directory) will apply to all HTML files, unless the HTML file specifically overrides the parameter value. If for some reason you want to prevent the HTML file from reading values in, you can use this option.

Setting global values: If you want to set global values that apply to all HTML files, you can specify any of these additional parameters in the file in the Host On-Demand publish directory. All Host On-Demand applets read the file. This provides an easier way of setting global HTML parameters than specifying them in each HTML file. Any of these HTML parameter can be set this way, and as long as the value is not specified in the HTML file, the value from the will be used.

Name: SkipCustomizedCAs
Value: true or false
Description: Setting this to a value of true instructs the SSL code to not request CustomizedCAs.p12/class file from the Web server preventing unnecessary 404 errors.

Name: SkipObjectTag
Value: true or false
Description: This parameter provides added control over how Java 2 detection is performed. Java 2 detection is performed by loading a small Java applet. This applet is normally loaded using the HTML APPLET tag. This assumes that the client browser has some level of Java installed as the default Java Runtime Environment (JRE). There are some cases, however, where the Java 2 plugin is installed but there is no default JRE specified for the browser. In this case, the Java support must be invoked using the HTML OBJECT tag. For example, some versions of Microsoft Windows XP were shipped without a Java Virtual Machine built into the Internet Explorer browser. If a Java 2 plugin was downloaded but not installed as the default JRE, then Java 2 detection will not work, and you are informed that there is no suitable Java on the system. This parameter allows an administrator to enhance the Java 2 detection by loading the detection applet using the OBJECT tag. This makes it possible to detect the plugin, and the Java 2 client is loaded onto the computer. The default for this parameter is true. Therefore, to use this functionality, the parameter must be set to false.

If you specify SkipObjectTag=false, and your clients do not have the Java 2 plugin installed, you might be prompted to enter a user ID and password if you are behind a firewall. This happens when Internet Explorer encounters an OBJECT tag for a plugin that is not installed. If Internet Explorer is unable to locate the plugin, it might send a POST command to the Microsoft plugins website, resulting in the prompt from the firewall.

Name: SupportHTML
Value: URL of HTML file to display when user selects Support option of Help menu item
Description: This HTML parameter causes the specified HTML file to be displayed when the Support option of the Help menu item for the Session window is selected.

If this parameter is not specified, the help page, which provides IBM contact information, is displayed. A related parameter, DisableSupport, can be used to disable the Help/Support option.

Name: SuppressCachedClientInstallMessage
Value: true or false
Description: Normally, a user is prompted to install the cached client. If this parameter is true, the user is no longer prompted when the new cached client is installed. Note that if this parameter is specified as true, it will be implemented regardless of whether or not AutoBackOff is specified.

Name: TraceOptions
Value: SaveLocation=MyLocation,OutputFile=MyOutputFile,NumberOfTraceEntries=MyNumber, traceoption1=value1,traceoption2=value2, traceoption3=option3, and so on.

For more a complete list of trace types and values, refer to Configuring the TraceOptions HTML Parameter.

Description: This HTML parameter automatically starts the Trace Facility using the parameters and values that you specify. For more information, refer to Configuring the TraceOptions HTML Parameter.

Name: UseJSSEforiSeries
Value: true or false
Description: This HTML parameter tells clients whether or not to use Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) when connecting to the iSeries host for secure data transfer or file transfer. JSSE is a set of Java packages that provide a secure connection to a host and must be used in environments that require FIPS-certified components/modules. For more information about FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), refer to FIPS environments in the Security chapter of the Planning, Installing, and Configuring Host On-Demand guide.

Name: UseWinLookAndFeelInPortal
Value: true or false
Description: This HTML parameter allows users to interact with both embedded and non-embedded Host On-Demand portlet sessions using Windows system settings for colors and fonts instead of the settings provided with WebSphere Portal. Host On-Demand ignores this parameter for sessions that are not portlets. Users must be running a Windows operating system and have a Java 2-enabled browser in order to use this HTML parameter.

The default value is false.

Name: WebServerHostname
Value: The hostname of the Host On-Demand server that the user will connect to after installing the Host On-Demand Java 2 cached client from a LAN or CD. For example, if the user will attach to the file http://myHODServer/hod/myFileA.html then the hostname is myHODServer.

Description: This HTML parameter prevents the user from having to type in the hostname when installing the Java 2 cached client from a LAN or CD. This parameter is useful only for the Java 2 cached client. It is not needed for the Java 1 cached client.

The Java 2 cached client stores downloaded components into different directories depending on which Host On-Demand server the components are downloaded from. When the components are copied from a LAN or CD drive rather than being downloaded from a Host On-Demand server, the Java 2 cached client needs to be told the hostname of the Host On-Demand server to which these components belong. If this parameter is not present, the user is prompted for the hostname of the Host On-Demand server.

The hostname that you supply for the value of this parameter must be spelled exactly the same, character-for-character, as the hostname that the user will later use to access this HTML file on the Host On-Demand server. For example, if the user will access the file as
then you should use this very same hostname myHODServer for the value of this parameter. Likewise, if the user will access the file as, then you should use this very same hostname for the value of this parameter. The cached client code treats myHODServer and as different hostnames. Dotted decimal IP addresses such as are also valid if the user will be accessing the file as

Name: WebStartDesktopVisible
Value: Always, Never, and Control
Description: The following values can be used for this parameter:
Always : HODDesktop always visible (default)
Never : No way to make desktop visible
Control : Desktop can be toggled to show or hide via menu item on running session

Name: WindowsDomain
Value: Windows Domain(s)
Description: Host On-Demand will use native code to obtain a users local Windows domain ID when User Identity Type is set to Local System ID in the Express Logon session properties panel. To use this option, this HTML parameter must be set to contain the name of the Windows Domain(s) to which your end users belong. Multiple domains must be separated by commas.