A Java applet or Java application can launch a new instance of a Web browser to display a local file. The Host On-Demand client does this in the following situations:
However, for some browsers, this feature does not work (the new browser instance does not appear) unless you configure the security settings of the browser to allow a Java applet or application to launch an instance of the browser to display a local file.
The following sections describe how to do this configuration for various browsers.
Warning! Be aware that this configuration weakens the security of the workstation, because it allows a program to use the browser to access local files on the workstation.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0:
For Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.x:
in a subdirectory
of the directory in which the browser is installed.
Here is a sample path for this file in Netscape 7.1:
c:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\defaults\pref\all.js
pref("security.checkloaduri", false);