Peer Reviewed Publications

View of the urban landscape from the Boston University rooftop CO2  observatory

View of the urban landscape from the Boston University rooftop CO2 observatory

Carbon dioxide is a well-mixed greenhouse gas, but how, where, and when it is exchanged with Earth’s surface is a complex spatio-temporal, coupled natural-human problem. Nowhere is this challenge more pronounced than in the urban environment. Fixed objects like buildings and trees, and mobile elements like cars and people, exchange carbon (C) across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales with a dynamic set of driving variables. As cities, states, and nations undertake efforts to reduce and regulate greenhouse gas emissions, we must understand these space-time variations and the underlying drivers of biogenic and anthropogenic exchange in order to develop robust monitoring, reporting, and verification systems. Within urban areas, the concept of urban metabolism provides a framework for monitoring, reporting, and verification that allows us to account for imports, exports, and transformations of carbon within urban areas. For more info, click here.



Raciti, S. M., L. R. Hutyra, and A. C. Finzi. 2012. Depleted soil carbon and nitrogen pools beneath impervious surfaces.  Environmental Pollution. 164: 248-251.

Raciti, S. M., L. R. Hutyra, P. Rao, and A. C. Finzi. 2012. Inconsistent definitions of ‘urban’ result in different conclusions about the size of urban carbon and nitrogen stocks. Ecological Applications 22(3): 1015-1035.

Raciti, S. M., T. J. Fahey, R. Q. Thomas, P. Woodbury, C. Driscoll, F. J. Carranti, D. Foster, P. Gwyther, B. Hall, S. Hamburg, J. C. Jenkins,J. Jenkins, C. Neill, S. Ollinger, B. Peery, E. Quigley, R. Sherman, M. Vadeboncoeur, D. Weinstein, G. Wilson, and W. Yandik. Local Scale Carbon Budgets and Mitigation Opportunities for the Northeastern United States. 2012. Bioscience 62(1): 23-38.

Brondfield, M. N., L. R. Hutyra, C. M. Gately, S. M. Raciti, S. A. Peterson, and S. C.Wofsy. 2012.  Modeling and validation of on-road CO2 emissions inventories at the urban regional scale. Environmental Pollution. 170: 113-123.

Alberti, M. and L.R. Hutyra. Carbon signatures of development patterns along a gradient of urbanization in Land Use and the Carbon Cycle: Science and Applications in Coupled Natural-Human Systems, in press.

Hutyra, L.R., Yoon, B., Alberti, A. Terrestrial carbon stocks across a gradient of urbanization: A study of the Seattle, WA region. Global Change Biology, 17: 783-797, 2011.

Hutyra, L.R., Yoon, B., Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., Alberti, A. Land cover change in the Seattle metropolitan region: An examination of spatio-temporal patterns and carbon consequences. Landscape and Urban Planning 103: 83-93, 2011.

Hutyra, L. R., S. M. Raciti, N. P. Phillips, and J. W. Munger. 2011. Exploring Space-time Variation in Urban Carbon Metabolism. Urbanization and Global Environmental Change Viewpoints 6: 11-14.

Raciti, S. M., A. J. Burgin, P. M. Groffman, D. Lewis, and T. J. Fahey. 2011. Denitrification in suburban lawn soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40:1932-1940.

Raciti, S. M., P. M. Groffman, J. C. Jenkins, R. V. Pouyat, T. J. Fahey, S. T. A. Pickett, and M. L. Cadenasso. 2011. Nitrate Production and Availability in Residential Soils. Ecological Applications 21(7): 2357–2366.

Raciti, S. M., P. M. Groffman, J. C. Jenkins, R. V. Pouyat, T. J. Fahey, S. T. A. Pickett, and M. L. Cadenasso. 2011. Accumulation of Carbon and Nitrogen in Residential Soils with Different Land Use Histories. Ecosystems 14(2): 287-297. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-010-9409-3

Hepinstall-Cymerman, Jeffrey, Stephan Coe and Lucy R. Hutyra. Urban growth patterns and growth management boundaries in the Central Puget Sound, Washington, 1986–2007 Urban Ecosystems, Online First, 22 August 2011



“Boston’s Urban Metabolism” Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Area Annual Meeting, Petersham, MA, March 2011. [Invited]

“Boston’s Urban Metabolism” Harvard University January Term course, Reading and Conserving New England: Interdisciplinary Insights into a landscape’s Past, Present, and Future, January 2011. [Invited]

“Carbon cycling across the Boston urban to rural gradient: Integrating emissions estimates and atmospheric observations,” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. August 12, 2011

“Carbon dynamics across gradients of urbanization: Contrasting results from Boston and Seattle,” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.

“The Carbon Metabolism of Boston” International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, April 2011. [Invited]

The importance of definition and scale: Soil and vegetation carbon across an urban to rural gradient,” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. August 11, 2011

“The metabolism of Boston. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting,” Austin, TX. August 10, 2011

“Impacts of disturbance and recovery dynamics in an Amazonian rainforest,” Boston University Terrestrial Biogeoscience Seminar Series, Boston, MA, November 2010. [invited]

“Terrestrial carbon dynamics across gradients of urbanization: Contrasting results from Boston and Seattle,” International Conference on Urbanization and Global Change, Phoenix, AZ, October 2010.

“Terrestrial carbon cycling across urban to rural gradients,” Harvard Forest Summer Seminar Series, Petersham, MA, June 2010. [invited]

Terrestrial carbon dynamics across gradients of urbanization,” Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Gradients, Atlanta, GA, April 2010.