Alex Grigorian

Resident Assistant

Alex Grigorian graduated from the George Washington University with a B.A in International Affairs, concentrating in Conflict Resolution in 2015. Alex enlisted in the U.S. Army within three months of graduating, where he spent six years as a Human Intelligence Collector. During his service, Alex studied Arabic at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA, deployed to Afghanistan, and worked on a team providing analytical support to a joint task force in AFRICOM. Alex separated from the U.S. Army in February of 2021 and plans to continue his career in the intelligence community.

Alex was born in Bloomfield Hills, MI, but grew up between Michigan, England, South Africa, and Argentina; visiting 18 other countries along the way. Alex’s favorite thing to do when travelling overseas is to try new food and learn new recipes. Having lived and gone to school in DC, Alex has a wealth of knowledge regarding the many incredible places (particularly restaurants) the city has to offer and is eager to share!