Tagged: Capitol

DC Perspective

December 23rd, 2016 in Fall 2016, Student's Blog

by Alexandra Warren (Fall 2016)

Washington DC is unlike any city I have ever been to. I did my best to take the time to explore the city this semester, and I think I was able to get a feeling for the culture. It took me a while to figure out how I feel about DC. As I walked around the various neighborhoods, I noticed that each one had a very different feel to it. More

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Samantha Nelson

December 12th, 2015 in Current Semester, Fall 2015, Student's Blog, Washington, DC

The Pros and Cons of Working on the Hill

Samantha Nelson
Fall 2015

If you have ever had the chance of walking through the Congressional office buildings, especially in the summer, you may have noticed that the staff looks super young. That’s because they are – the average age of a Hill staffer is 26 – and if you look even closer, you will notice that a lot of those who are running around have orange IDs, the ultimate sign of an intern. Capitol Hill would not run half as efficiently (or perhaps at all) without intern labor. While Congress is a lot of things, it definitely provides an exciting work setting. However, this excitement does not come without its negatives. Here are some pros and cons of interning on the Hill:

Pro: You are in the middle of it all. If you love politics at all, I guarantee you will feel lightheaded after your first day working in-session. That’s because anywhere you go, you see Congressmen and Congresswomen– those people that are directly responsible for legislation, interstate commerce, declaring war. Additionally, you have the privilege of being “in the know.” Many times, policy bubbles up from the legislative staff before the Member finalizes it, and if you’re lucky enough you will be able to work on or at least hear about the policy before it even leaves the office. You are constantly aware of hearings, briefings, and the votes that occur on a daily basis. You are truly in the middle of the most important policy-making body in the United States. More

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