Tagged: passion

Kaelyn Hilliard

December 12th, 2015 in Current Semester, Fall 2015, Washington, DC

Remember Your Roots

Kaelyn Hilliard
Fall 2015

If there is one thing I’ve noticed as a Massachusetts native in Washington, DC, it is that Boston has quite a notorious reputation in this city. It’s known for its cold personalities, entitled sports fans, and branded as the city of blue-blooded liberals. But as a Boston insider, I see things quite differently.

I believe Boston is the city of the diehards, sports fanatics, and impassioned political junkies. Its character is built upon the attitude of its people—tough, boastful, and competitive. The people who built the Boston that stands today were the same ones that grew from nothing in the Southie projects and on the streets of Dorchester. They learned to fight quick and fight hard. Never be afraid to play with the big boys in order to win. Make things work or they never will, regardless of background or political belief. This work ethic may seem over the top, but it’s what makes Bostonians the hardest workers with the toughest skin. More

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