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Philosophy and Children

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Philosophy and Children
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Irene de Puig and Angélica Sátiro   Aprender a Pensar en la Educación Infantil (4 y 5 años) Spanish
Irene de Puig and Angélica Sátiro   Filosofia Entre el Parvulario y la Primaria (De 5 a 7 años) Spanish
David Kennedy Montclair State University Notes on the Philosophy of Childhood and the Politics of Subjectivity
Walter O. Kohan Universidade de Brasília Filosofía y niñez: Posibilidades de un encuentro Spanish
Félix García Moriyón I.C.E. Universida Autónoma, Madrid ¿Para Qué Sirve Enseñar Filosofía? Spanish
Carmen López Sáenz UNED (Madrid. España) Enseñar a Pensar Desde la Fenomenología Spanish
Christina Slade University of Canberra/ Unviersidad Ibero Americana Why Not lie? Television talk and moral debate
Wendy C. Turgeon St. Joseph's College Metaphysical Horizons of Philosophy for Children
Ana María Vicuña Navarro Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Ethical Education Through Philosophical Discussion
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Page Created: May 1, 1999
Last Modified: February 19, 2000


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