Option for Licensure
Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities (PreK–8) Graduate Certificate
Prepares educators to obtain special education teaching license for students with moderate disabilities in PreK through 8th grade.
Physics Education Graduate Certificate
For science educators interested in receiving initial licensure in physics, grades 8–12.
Chemistry Education Graduate Certificate
For science educators who are interested in receiving initial teaching licensure in chemistry, grades 8–12.
Biology Education Graduate Certificate
Prepares science educators for initial licensure as a secondary-level biology teacher.
PhD in Counseling Psychology & Applied Human Development
Students in the PhD program in Counseling Psychology & Applied Human Development are prepared to be leaders in their fields.
Dual Degree in Social Work & Education
For students who want to combine a degree in Social Work with a degree in Education, with a focus on Special Education or Educational Leadership & Policy Studies.
Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities (5–12) Graduate Certificate
Prepares educators to obtain special education teaching license for students with moderate disabilities in grades 5 to 12.
Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities Graduate Certificate
Prepares educators to obtain special education teaching license for students with severe disabilities.
EdM in Special Education
Offers multiple tracks so that students receive preparation best aligned with their goals. Licensure and non-licensure program options available.
Special Education
Teachers and administrators learn the skills they need to support students with disabilities effectively through the Special Education program.