Photo of Kimberly Howard

Kimberly A. S. Howard


Dr. Kimberly A. S. Howard is a professor of counseling psychology & applied human development at BU Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. Dr. Howard’s research interests include the career development process of children and youth, particularly as it is shaped by social class, gender, and race/ethnicity.  She is interested in factors that promote vocational development and resilience and the reasoning processes used by children and youth to understand career development processes.  Further, Dr. Howard studies STEM career development in children and youth.

Dr. Howard’s work has appeared in journals such as the Counseling Psychologist, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Career Development, and Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.  She has received over $2.5M of funding for her research, primarily from the National Science Foundation.  She is current serving as the PI on a four-year National Science Foundation ITEST grant investigating the role that a middle school network science and career development curriculum plays in advancing both science learning and STEM-related career goal formation.

In addition to being a Fellow of the Society of Counseling Psychology of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Howard is a member of the APA Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education. She is also the past vice president for training and education for the Society of Counseling Psychology.

Pronouns: she/her

PhD, Counseling Psychology, Boston College
MA, Counseling Psychology, Boston College
BA, Psychology, Johns Hopkins University

NSF 19-583: Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) (Role: PI) 2020-2024 “Collaborative Proposal: DTI: Network Science for All: Positioning High Need Youth for Success in Pursuing STEM Pathways”

Invest in Girls (Role: PI) 2019-2024 “A 5-Year Evaluation of the Invest in Girls (IIG) Financial Literacy Program for Girls”

NSF 09-506: Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) (Role: Co-PI) 2009-2014 “Society’s Grand Challenges in Engineering as a Context for Middle School Instruction in STEM: An ITEST Strategy Proposal”

Howard, K.A.S., & Dinius, S.M. (2019). Children’s Reasoning about Career Development: The Conceptions of Career Choice and Attainment Model. In N. Arthur, R. Neault, & M McMahon (Eds.), Career Theory and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice (pp. 159-169). Toronto: Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling. 

Howard, K.A.S., Castine, E., & Flanagan, S. (2017).  Promising Career and Workforce Development Practices in Elementary School Settings.  In V.S.H. Solberg & S. Rasheed Ali (Eds.), The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development: Practice and Policy, (pp. 163-179).  New York: Routledge.

Budge, S.L., Thai, J.L., Tebbe, E.A., & Howard, K.A. (2016). The Intersection of Race, Sexual Orientation, Socioeconomic Status, Trans* Identity, and Mental Health Outcomes. The Counseling Psychologist, 44(7), 1025-1049.

Howard, K. A. S., Castine, E., Flanagan, S., & Lee, Y. (2016).  Supporting the Career Development of Children: The Concepts of Career Choice and Attainment Model.  In M. Watson & M. McMahon (Eds.), Career Exploration and Development in Childhood: Perspectives from Theory, Practice and Research, pp. 48-59. London: Routledge Publishers.

Howard, K.A.S., Flanagan, S., Castine, E., & Walsh, M.E. (2015). Perceived influences on the career choices of children and youth: An exploratory study. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 15 (2), 99-111.