students of Chinese explored Chinese cultures in Peabody Essex museum

On November 5th, the students of Chinese embarked on an enlightening culture learning journey through the exhibits at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM). The trip was led by senior lecturer Liling Huang. The highlight of the trip was the exploration of the historic Ying Yu Tang House, a 200-year-old Hui Style dwelling transported to and reassembled at PEM. The visit to the Yin Yu Tang house offered an understanding of Hui Style architecture and provided a glimpse into the daily lives of local inhabitants, enriching their appreciation for the heritage and traditions preserved within. Moreover, PEM houses the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of arts from China, Japan, and South Asia.  Students gained cultural insights into the historical significance of tea exportation in Canton through the Asian export collection. 

Additionally, the students had the opportunity of engaging with the museum staffs to learn about PEM’s innovative digital exhibition strategies. The fieldtrip is part of the experiential learning project in the Chinese course LC420 Digital Chinese. It allowed students to participate in a post-visit online language and culture discussion with peers from Tianjin University of Technology, fostering an insightful comparison between the digital enhancements utilized in PEM and those employed in Chinese museums.

The trip is funded by BU CAS Academic Enhancement Fund.