Minor in Persian Cultural Studies

The minor in Persian Cultural Studies is for students who seek to acquire a strong grasp of Persian culture and Iran’s literary, historical, political, and artistic importance around the world, especially in Asia and the Middle East.


In addition to the completion of CAS LZ 212 or equivalent assessment of proficiency, students take six 4-credit courses with a grade of C or higher, selected in consultation with and approved by the advisor. With the advisor’s approval, students may include up to three transfer courses from other colleges, universities, or non-BU study abroad programs (students must obtain approval for non-BU study abroad courses in advance). Two of the remaining three electives must then be chosen from WLL course offerings.

  1. Two courses on Persian language and literature: CAS LZ 311, CAS LZ 380, CAS LZ 381, CAS LZ 470, or CAS LZ 491/2.
  2. Four additional courses with a focus on Iran and/or Afghanistan (to be chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor from relevant offerings in the humanities, arts, and social sciences).