Have questions about Japanese courses, placement tests, or study abroad?  Email Japanese Language Coordinator, Yumiko Tashiro (ytashiro@bu.edu), to set up a Zoom meeting with a faculty member in the program.


WLL’s Japanese program provides students with an appreciation and critical understanding of Japan’s rich literature, cinema, and popular culture. The program also encourages students to consider Japan’s cultural and historical connections with East Asia and the world. 

Courses in Japanese literature, culture, and film are usually taught in English translation and do not require knowledge of Japanese. LJ250: Masterpieces of Japanese Literature is taught every fall and is a good place to start.  

After completing the first two years of language study (LJ111-LJ212) students take a range of skills-based courses including Japanese Conversation (LJ320), Intensive Kanji (LJ385), and Translation and Interpreting (LJ386). At the advanced level, students learn in Japanese, in courses such as Japanese Media (LJ441), Readings in Modern Japanese Fiction (LJ350), and Topics in Advanced Japanese (LJ450). BU is one of the only programs in the country to offer instruction in both classical Japanese (LJ316) and classical Chinese as it was used in Japan until the early 20th century (LJ314). BU is a member of the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies, where many of our students study abroad. 

“Like” the BU Japanese Program’s Facebook page to learn about Japan-related lectures and other events by visiting scholars, filmmakers, and writers, as well as opportunities for language practice. 

A complete list of Japanese language, literature and culture courses is available on the CAS Bulletin or on our all courses webpage.


Japanese Degree Programs

Japanese in the HUB

Placement Test and Language Credits

Japanese Study Abroad Programs

Past Events


LJ Language Beyond the Classroom (Culture Pass)