Women of Color Circle

WOCC Mission

Fostering a sense of community and comradery for people who identify as women of color across all campuses. We aim to gain support, share resources, and enhance diversity and inclusion within the BU Women’s Guild and throughout the University.

Sign up to be part of WOCC via the BUWG membership form.


International Women's Day Celebration

Hosted by the BUWG Women of Color Circle on March 29, this event was a tribute to women, showcasing their artistry and movement. Standout moments included mesmerizing performances by soloists, dancers, poets, and vendors, all skillfully uplifting the audience with their talents.

(Photo by Zara Meggett)

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Upcoming BUWG Events

Women of Color Circle

BUWG Programming Retreat

Day: Wednesday Jul 17th Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm CDS 1646 (665 Comm Ave)
Women of Color Circle

EmPOWERed Patient Brunch

Day: Saturday Jul 20th Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Harvest Restaurant, 44 Brattle St, Cambridge
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