Poland’s Business-led Developmentalism in Comparative Perspective — A Lecture by Marek Naczyk,,

3:30 pm on Monday, March 25, 2024
5:00 pm on Monday, March 25, 2024
Contact Name:
Elizabeth Amrien

Join us for a talk by Marek Naczyk, Associate Professor in Comparative Social Policy at the Oxford Institute of Social Policy. Naczyk's research is at the crossroads of social policy, comparative political economy and international political economy. Moderated by Cathie Jo Martin, Professor of Political Science.

Industrial policies, state interventionism in the economy and developmentalism are back on governments’ agendas both in the Global North and in the Global South. Political scientists typically assume that developmentalism and the rise of developmental states have been state-led. In that context, it is striking that Poland – a country that used to be a champion of market-oriented reforms – has seen the rise of a form of business-led developmentalism since the global financial crisis of 2008. This lecture will delve into the motivations of Polish business for championing greater state interventionism in Poland's "dependent market economy" and will compare the Polish breed of developmentalism with other forms of developmentalism in Europe.