Law Courses

Human Trafficking

LAW JD 707 (3 credits)

This course is required for students accepted to the Human Trafficking Clinic (JD708). The course will examine international, federal, and state mechanisms to combat human trafficking. The course will also evaluate comparative models for criminal prosecution and protection of survivors. The course will explore serious enforcement challenges in a variety of contexts, including victim compensation, employment rights, immigration relief, and criminal prosecution. Moreover, the class will receive training in client counseling techniques, focusing on the unique challenges when working with vulnerable communities, such as trafficking survivors. PREREQUISITE/COREQUISITE: Immigration Law (JD968) and Evidence (JD831).

2013FALLLAWJD707 A1, Sep 5th to Nov 21st 2013
Days Start End Type Bldg Room
R 04:30:00 PM 06:30:00 PM LAW 734